"Larissa needs to practice." Marina stepped out from the cabin in a figure-hugging, short black dress that showcased her long, toned legs. "She finally has an incentive to learn English, so don't start talking Russian to her."

Peter knew that dress. It was a loaner from Jessica, and he made a mental note to thank his cousin again for her generous donation to Marina's evening wear arsenal.

Jay's face fell. "I studied so hard so I could communicate with Larissa, and now you are telling me that it was for nothing?"

As Larissa's eyes darted between Marina and Jay, her smile turned strained, and she clutched her small fabric purse while shifting from foot to foot.

"It wasn't for nothing," Peter said, wrapping his arm around Marina's waist. "You can teach each other." He started toward the elevators.

"You look incredible," he whispered in her ear.

Her vivid cobalt-colored hair looked like a bolt of electric energy against the backdrop of her pale skin and black dress, and the red lipstick provided another vivid splash of color.

A self-conscious smile tugged at her lips. "Thanks."

Was it his imagination, or was there a tension in her jaw and a tightness around her eyes?

"Hey," Peter whispered, leaning closer. "Is everything okay? You seem a little out of sorts."

Marina's smile faltered, just for a second, before she hitched it back into place. "I'm great," she assured him. "Just excited about the wedding tonight. Onegus is an important guy, right? The chief Guardian and all that."

Peter doubted that was the reason. "Did you speak to Amanda about your wish to move into the village?"

She nodded. "She told me to wait until I get back to Safe Haven and ask either Eleanor or Emmett to request the transfer on my behalf."

"That's what I suggested."

"I know. I just hoped that Amanda being Kian's sister could wave a magic wand and make it happen instantaneously, so I was a little disappointed."

As Peter pressed the button for the elevator, Jay and Larissa caught up to them.

"Onegus's wedding will be just like all the others," Jay said.

"Not necessarily." Peter held the door open for everyone before getting in. "Cassandra is a hotshot art director, so she might have put her own spin on the decor."

That seemed to pique Marina's interest. "An art director? For what company?"

"Some big cosmetics brand," Peter said with a shrug. "Something with fifty shades, like the movie."

A blush colored Marina's cheeks. "Did you see it? I mean, the movie?"

"No. I heard it was awful."

"It was," Jay confirmed. "I heard that the books were much better."



Marina's stomach was churning as she walked alongside Peter, her arm linked through his. She knew she needed to come clean, to tell him the truth about her initial motivation for pursuing him, but it was so damn hard. Larissa was right, though. Secrets had no place in a relationship.

On the other hand, Peter had made it very clear that he was not interested in having a relationship with her when she moved to the village, so why bother?

On the remote chance that he would change his mind?

But why would he? She had maybe two more decades of being attractive, if that, and then she would look old.

It was so damn depressing.