Her smile was infectious, spreading slowly across her face, and mine did the same. I could stare into her eyes all day but especially now.

“You went to all this work… You restored Daisy?”

“Anything for you. I’ve told you that enough times, but I needed to make sure you understood it. Literally anything for you.”

“So would you love me if I was a worm?” she asked, her grin widening.

“I’d dig you out of the earth and put you in your own custom-made terrarium,” I replied.

“What if I was a fly?”

“You’d have all of the disgusting, rotting meat you could handle in a special pesticide-protected fly hotel.”

“What if I turned into a total bridezilla and wanted a really expensive destination wedding?”


I kissed her until she stopped asking dumb questions and started asking the right ones.

“So do we need to go to this award ceremony thing? Because I think a drag race home is in order.”

Chapter 60


“Hey…” I stopped just inside the door of Barbie’s flat, staring at the mess spread across the floor. “Why the fuck does it look like a bridal magazine shop exploded in here.”

“I had to buy every wedding magazine they had at the newsagents,” she said with all the weird fascination of a mad scientist on the edge of a breakthrough. “Then I needed to buy two of each, just in case you wanted to look at the same one I was.”

“You didn’t.” I stepped over magazine after magazine and then picked up a bottle of champagne, noting there wasn’t a flute in sight. “Have you been drinking champers straight from the bottle?”

“Champagne!” She stabbed a finger in my direction then started flipping madly through a magazine. “It’s a really subtle shade that would be perfect for bridesmaids. Like basically it’s beige with a bit of shimmer. Though…” She poked the photos of the pretty bridesmaid printed on the page. “Some people do say it’s a bit close to white and it looks like they’re trying to upstage the bride.”

“How do you upstage the bride?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Flip, flip, flip the pages went. “But people talk about it a lot. Like a lot, a lot. On Reddit—”

“Wait, since when are you on Reddit?” I asked.

“Since you decided to get married, bestie!” She threw her arms wide, but instead of her usual insanity, I saw real tears in her eyes.

“Are you crying? Jesus, we need to sober you up.” I picked up the champagne bottle. “Or give you another drink. You haven’t had much.”

“Not that, not breakfast,” she said, going back to flipping.

I looked at my phone and then at her when I saw it was mid-afternoon.

“Champagne and some toast then,” I said, carrying the bottle into the kitchen.

“There’s cheese and crackers, some chocolate-covered strawberries in the fridge.” Barbie sounded completely preoccupied. “Also, which one are you actually going to marry?”

I was halfway through opening the fridge as she said the words.


“Like you can have a commitment ceremony with all of them, but you can only marry one of them.” That shouldn’t be a surprise to me, but somehow it was. Connor had bored us with the legal issues incessantly at dinner for the last few nights. “And if you marry one of them—”

“You can’t be legally bound to the others.”