I hadn’t felt like sex at all, but as soon as she touched me, my body came alive. Maybe because this was all brand new, or maybe because it always was her bitch, and I’d be hard and aching for her the moment she crooked a finger at me. But right now I felt those fingers slide down, my entire consciousness following with it.
“I love that you had the foresight to build a house big enough for all of us, in a good school district, just in case we decided to start a family.”
Did I? I couldn’t remember a damn thing, not as her palm swivelled over the head of my cock, there and gone again.
“I love that you’ve worked like a fucking Trojan to build something secure, something real, the entire time we’ve been apart.”
I was fucking her palm now, a terrible tension building. More than sex, more than desire, something else was coming with it.
“I love that every damn part of you is focussed on creating a family here. A safe space where we can all care for each other, but…”
Her hand stopped, and it felt like all of the air was sucked out of my lungs.
“But that goes both ways. Because I love you, Connor, and that means I can’t see you hurting.”
I couldn’t protest, let her know I was feeling anything other than pain right now. Her strokes tugged me along in more ways than one. I was caught up in this delicious spiral of mind-blowing pleasure, the fact that nothing was required from me in return somehow making it more intense. How did Kendall fucking know this was exactly what I needed? How did she drive me out of my damn mind? My hips moved faster, harder, craving the friction, but she pulled away.
“I want you feeling about as good as you can right now.”
“Was there a second ago,” I croaked.
“But I don’t want this to end too fast.”
More oil, I watched it drizzle over her fingertips and pool in her hand right before she cupped my balls and swirled her palm. I stiffened, the sensation exquisitely sensitive but also low-key terrifying. If she just squeezed a bee’s dick too hard… But Kendall didn’t, of course she didn’t, as she traced the shape of each testicle, then fanned her hands across my inner thighs.
“How far can I go?” she asked me.
“As far as you need to.” I was tired, so damn tired, but there was no rest for me until this was done. “Baby, you…”
My voice trailed away as a single finger slid lower, rubbing sensually against my taint in a way that had my hips moving again, only to drop further. Just a featherlight caress across my arse before she stopped and stared down at me.
“Massaging your prostate is supposed to be pretty damn good.”
The need to respond was pressing down on me, but words stalled in my throat. I’d never thought of my arse other than something I needed to scrub in the shower, but now? She made me aware of nerve endings I’d never even known existed. My cock twitched, a helpless little spurt of pre-cum splattering across my stomach.
“Seems like part of you is keen, but I’m not doing anything until you say yes.”
She smirked then and never had I felt more powerless, though there was something safe about it. That Kendall held me literally in the palm of her hand and nothing bad could happen while she did.
“Maybe we could try things and if you don’t like it, you could say so.”
She kept her fingertip swirling in question until I went to reply, but a little moan escaped me rather than words. That made her chuckle, but she didn’t proceed, not until I said yes.
No, that was my first thought. I was being penetrated, not the other way around and that felt… weird. Like I was open, something inside me stroked. It was poky and uncomfortable and…
I said just that, my eyes going wide, but I didn’t see the ceiling. Just golden fucking stars as she stroked something that damn near took my head off.
“Oh fuck…”
What the hell was this? It was like my whole body was licked by a golden tongue, every part of me lighting up like a flame. I was in fucking ecstasy, rutting against her hand as she wrapped it back around my cock, working me from both ends. I was gonna cum, I just fucking knew it, but rather than it all coming rushing out of me in one big splatter, it just seemed to drip free. Each drop contained a world of pleasure, leaking free and exploding inside of me like fireworks. I was panting like mad, my whole head spinning, right before it all came to a head.
“Kendall… Kendall…”