“It’ll all work out in the end.”

That’s what I hoped. It felt like a tiny little flame flickering in my chest. The guys had stoked it back to life and it just wouldn’t go out now. I squeezed her back and then walked her out to her car, waving as Alan and Barbie got in and drove away.

“I really need a beer,” Van groaned, but Connor turned to go back into the house.

“You do that. I’m gonna run the numbers again.”


All three of them turned to face me then, their faces a mixture of quizzical and stubborn.

“What’ve you got in mind?” Van shimmied on over to me. “Something in the bedroom?”


“I… can’t.” It seemed to take something from Connor to admit that, the words forced out between his lips. “I’m not going to be able to sleep anyway so—”

“Get your arse in our bed, Woods.”

“Mm…” Just a small little grunt from Gage had him moving towards me, something devilish dancing in his eyes. “I think I like it when you get bossy.”

“Boss them around all you like, but I need to work out what the hell we’re going to do.”

That was supposed to be the end of that, according to Connor, but it wasn’t. I could see he was stretched thin, knowing that horrible weariness that hits you so hard you feel like you’re drowning in it, only for the next wave to smash into you.

But he was doing this all wrong.

I’d done the same myself, frantically sat up to all hours trying to find a way to survive, make it just one more day, but he had something I hadn’t. Not the damn house or the vans or anything material, but this.


“You need to get into that bed, Connor.” His lips moved to protest. “I need you in that bed.”

His throat worked, but no sound came out except a long-suffering sigh. He shook his head and then strode over, sinking his hand in my hair.

“Jesus, Kendall…” That kiss, one born from hard, demanding lips, was as angry as it was passionate, taking my mouth as his, rather than claiming it, but it went on and on until we were finally forced to step back and catch our breath.

“Bed, now.”

I pointed my finger at the door and then caught a wondrous sight: Connor Woods nodding slowly before turning to do exactly as I asked.

I hadn’t quite believed it possible, not until he disappeared from sight.

“You know what you’re doing?” Gage asked me.

“Nope.” I shot him a rueful smile. “I’ve never been in love with anyone else before so I’m just winging it.”

“Damn, baby…” Van’s smile was blinding as he moved closer.

“Three single blokes living in the same house,” I said. “One of you would have to have a bottle of massage or baby oil, right?”

“I got exactly what you need,” he told me.

Chapter 49


Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.