“A dad that sticks up for his daughter.” Her eyes searched my face. “We both know how important that is. Katie can be a real whinger.”

“She must get that from Finn,” I said, trying to make a joke out of things, but it fell flat.

“She’s fussy and doesn’t like to get dirty, and Benny…” She shook her head. “He gets his hands into everything. We’re trying to get him to understand boundaries.” But then she shook her head sharply. “I’m trying to make him understand boundaries, but Finn…”

I could just imagine what my brother was doing. He was like Dad-lite, and every time he spouted the same shit that was outdated back in our parents’ day, I barely resisted the urge to nut punch him. He’d learned not to say ‘boys will be boys’ around me, lest he cop a lecture, but… None of us held Benny’s need to make noise and mess, to rampage through life, against him. We just wanted Kate to have the same privileges.

“Thanks for sitting down and filling me in on what’s going on. Finn’s a mess. He’s just been sitting at home, drinking every day, and when I try to talk to him…” Her lips thinned. “I think I know what I need to do now.”

What? I wanted to ask, politeness the only thing that stopped me. What will you do? I stared at the kids, saw Benny was harassing his sister again, but Van managed to redirect him, challenging him to a race. That competitive gleam in Benny’s eyes had him focussing entirely on Van, right before the two of them launched themselves across the water. Was history going to repeat itself? That was what I really wanted to know, but I kept my mouth shut.

“The reason why I first came to see you is there’s a BBQ on this weekend,” Cheryl said instead. “Your parents are coming to town to hang out with Van and Gage’s parents. The boys will get the invite soon enough, but I figured I’d let you know.”

I went very, very still right then, trying to imagine it. Gage carrying a slab of beer over his shoulder, me with a big salad in my arms, while Van and Connor… Everyone would look up, be delighted to see us, and then start putting two and two together. How did we all arrive at the same time? Why was Connor taking the salad from me and putting it on the trestle table? Why was Van swooping in to kiss…?

“Thanks,” I replied finally. “I’m not sure what we’ve got on then, but we’ll let the parents know.

“Sounds good.” She got up and opened the door. “C’mon, kids, it’s time to go!”


Some complaints-Benny had a bit of a tantrum, but Van and I managed to jolly him out of it-and then the kids were bundled into the car.

“Maybe I’ll see the two of you on Saturday night?” Cheryl said from inside the car.

“What’s on Saturday night?” Van asked.

“Our parents are having a BBQ,” I replied.

“They are? Shit, and we’re invited.” We both waved as Cheryl’s car took off, the kids turning around to press their faces against the window, waving furiously as they pulled away. “So, are we going?”

I sucked in a breath, ready to answer, but the words just didn’t come out.

Chapter 46


“I can’t do this.” Kendall set the knife down with a clatter before snatching it back up again and checking the edge for nicks.

“Yes, you can.”

I came to stand behind her, running my hands along her shoulders, subtly trying to bring them down from around her ears.

“No, I can’t. Mum, Dad and Finn… I can’t. I’m not going.”

“Fine by me.” Van grabbed a chunk of carrot from her chopping board. Kendall spanked him across the knuckles with a wooden spoon, but he just grinned as he chewed up the carrot. Filthy animal. “There’s a footy game on tonight and—”

“Oh god, that’s probably why they came into town.” Kendall sagged against me, and my arms moved to cradle her closer. “They’re just gonna want to sit in front of the TV and watch the game and the women will—”

“Do whatever they damn well please.” I kissed her ear softly. “Watch the game. Drink wine and bitch. Dance naked—”

“Dude, that’s my mum you’re talking about.” Van’s nose wrinkled.

“Why are our mothers getting naked?” Gage had just returned from a run and was wiping the sweat from his face with a hand towel. My eyes narrowed, making clear he needed to stick that in the laundry basket afterwards.

“They’re not, because that’s disgusting,” Van said.

“So if I had children, you’d think I was disgusting naked?”