“I’m not sure I can come again,” Kendall said, a little thread of anxiety clear in her voice.
“Yes, you can.” There he was, the guy that had us all jumping to do what he said each day. Connor stared down at Kendall, his smile widening. “You will for me. Just lie there and watch the boys make you a meal, right while I…”
He couldn’t hold back anymore, lunging forward like an animal let off the leash, and the long sigh Kendall let escape her lips was everything.
“You’re peeling the spuds,” I told Gage, shoving the bag at him, “so don’t balls it up.”
Chapter 35
If you’d told me Connor Woods would be licking my pussy as the rest of the boys worked to cook dinner, I would’ve called you a liar, but it turns out it was a decadent experience well worth having. My heels came to rest on the edge of the bench top, and while it took a little urging to part my thighs, when I was a good girl, I was rewarded.
The first flick of Connor’s tongue had me jumping, but his hand clamped down on my hip, making clear how this would go. I would endure the peculiar pleasure of oversensitive flesh being stimulated all over again, the line between pleasure and pain being blurred with every second, and I’d learn to like it.
Turned out he was right.
I didn’t mean to moan. The sound felt like it echoed through the kitchen, bouncing off all the hard surfaces, just getting louder and louder, but as Connor grew bolder, I had no choice. I couldn’t hold back, not when I heard vegetables being chopped or sausages sizzling as they hit the fry pan. I was conscious that this was not how it was supposed to be, that good girls didn’t spread themselves across the countertop like a banquet to feast upon, but if this was being bad, I’d never be good again.
“Yes…” I hissed.
I heard the clatter of the spatula against a hot pan as Connor’s tongue flickered faster, harder, lashing my clit over and over until my hands slapped down on his head.
That wasn’t Connor groaning that out because he had his mouth full. He dropped down, forcing his tongue up inside me. The press of his chin as it worked, the rake of his stubble, that mobile tongue had me writhing against the cool marble.
“Jesus, we could just get takeaway, right?”
My eyes flicked open to see a not-so-smug Van standing there, the spatula getting hotter with every minute it sat in the fry pan, but he didn’t care. All he could focus on was me.
“Need some sausage, Kendall?”
Gage’s cheesy joke had my lips twitching, ready to laugh, but Connor’s mouth moved, latching onto my clit, so I just gasped as Gage’s hand slapped down on the bench by my head as one of those big hands reached out. Not to wrap it around my throat but to use the fingertips to trace the increasingly taut line of it as I tilted my head back.
“Yes…” I gasped, gripping Connor’s hair and undulating against his face. “Yes,” I said again as I licked my bone-dry lips. My mouth fell open as Gage shoved his pants down, freeing that massive cock.
I still felt the impression of him inside me, hard where Connor’s tongue was soft. It felt like Gage had burrowed into me, creating a hollow only he could fill. Connor tried to meet that need, but it was the fact that he couldn’t that had me shifting restlessly.
“Getting close?” Gage asked. “I know the problem.” Right before he leaned over and fed his cock past my lips.
I’d never had sex with two men at the same time, but right now I was beginning to wonder if I’d ever be able to settle for one partner again. Gage’s grip on my throat was gentle but firm, holding my head in just the right position so he could nudge at my throat. His hiss of pleasure was a perfect vocalisation of mine, the slow pulse in and out of my mouth following Connor’s rhythm perfectly. We were tied together somehow, becoming more than the sum of our parts, the pleasure multiplying exponentially, but right as my hands began clawing at the bench, Gage pulled free.
“Your turn,” he told Van.
I loved the way my golden boy scrambled to unbutton his pants and tear his belt free in his haste to get to me. Then he was right there, cock hard and pushed down my throat, a little too hard at first, before he backed off.
“Shit, sorry, Kendall…” Whatever Van had to say was cut off when my cheeks hollowed, sucking him in. “Oh fuck… Oh fuck!”
I knew exactly what he was feeling.
My body felt like the hotplate, set at a simmering temperature initially before the was dial twisted around to full heat, and they were the ones stoking me higher. Van’s nails scratching down the glossy kitchen bench, the rapid pulse of his cock in and out of my mouth, as if he couldn’t trust me to set the pace. Connor upping the ante, pushing long, blunt fingers that raked along that sensitive spot as he sucked my clit. Gage shoved Van to one side, smiling as his best mate spluttered, then down at me.
“You’ll get yours,” he promised Van and me, right before he pushed himself back into my mouth. I sucked and was sucked, the rapid crackle of the sausages in the pan a perfect soundtrack to what was happening.
I was burning, new pleasure pathways seared into my flesh. My responses to other men were limp, unworthy. But this? I wanted Gage’s cum down my throat, sucking harder, angling my throat back to let him deeper, even as I wanted Connor’s tongue to move faster. Then I wanted Van dragging Gage away, leaving me to gasp for breath, right before he took it away again.
“Fuck, Kendall…” Connor pulled away right as my cunt began to pulse—a slow, languid kind of pleasure building. But that wasn’t enough for him, as he crawled onto the counter, covering my body with his. He blocked out the bright down lights in the white ceiling with his shadow. “Tell me I can have you. Tell me I can finally sink myself into you. Make this shit real, babe, because I’m still pinching myself, sure that I’m going to wake up.”