Van said exactly what I was thinking as we saw reddish footprints all over the floor, yellowish handprints on the wall. I touched one, recoiling when I felt the sticky mess left there.

“Did Kendall kill Gage?” He looked up at me aghast. “Did he come home and disturb her, and then she went postal—?”

“That’s tomato sauce, not blood.” I sniffed the air, able to catch the stink of honey, peanut butter, mustard, and sauce. Jesus, what the fuck did the two of them get up to? “Let’s put the food away…”

I didn’t get to finish that very sensible thought because I heard it. Just a little moan, but somehow it was louder than a sonic boom in my ears. The bags I was carrying dropped to the floor, and I paced forward, Van at my heels.

More mess, more chaos, it was as if every single item that could be smeared on another person had been dragged from the pantry and then sprayed all around the kitchen, but I couldn’t take that in. I just sidestepped the pools of gunk and then walked down the hall. The moans got louder and louder as I got closer, which made my dick harden so damn fast it hurt. I half expected them to be Gage’s muffled cries as Kendall choked the life out of him, but instead, I reached his door and found this.

Kendall, naked. The sight of that was seared on my brain, ready to be stored away and summoned later when I had time to soak it in. Not just naked, but lying on Gage’s bed with her heels wrapped around his waist. And his hips rocked back and forth, making clear what he was doing, something Van discovered as well.

“Are they…?”

They were, and that was when I felt a strange twist of emotions.

Have you ever seen the one person you wanted most in the world in the hands of someone else? I wasn’t jealous per se. We went into this knowing we would share, but… My throat felt thick, my pulse throbbing too fast and too loud as I watched Gage touch Kendall like he had a right to. Sliding a hand up her thigh only to bury his fingers in all that soft flesh. That, that’s what I envied with a viciousness that took my breath away. Because I didn’t know what Gage had done to create such a mess in the kitchen, but I’d trash the whole house if that’s what it took to put me in his place.


Van barely whispered that, but I shot him a dark look anyway. My fingers gripped the door frame as I sidled up to the gap. Van grabbed my shirt, hauling me back, because he felt the exact same way. That we were spying on the two people we cared most about in the world, but we just couldn’t stop.

“Tell me we don’t fit together,” I heard Gage say. “Tell me that this doesn’t feel perfectly right.”

But she could only reply in long, drawn out moans. Was he hurting her? My fingers dug so deep in the doorjamb I was about to tear the wood from the wall. Each one of us knew some girls struggled to take Gage, but then I got the confirmation I needed. He drew back so far I thought he’d slip free of her, and Kendall obviously felt the same. Her nails created tiny pinpricks of blood as she dragged him back down. He let out a low chuckle as her legs tightened around his waist, doing everything she could to keep him right where he was.

That was when my hand dropped down, the heel of my palm ground into my dick.

Was she wet? I got my answer quickly, hearing the slick sound of their bodies moving, coming together faster and faster. Did she feel like hot silk? I couldn’t get that from what I saw, no matter how hard I stared. Did he feel like he was falling into a woman he loved and that he never wanted to crawl out? That he was drowning in her and refusing to rise up to take a breath. I had to imagine he was, because as my fingers tightened around my length as much as the fabric of my work pants allowed, I heard them get closer and closer.

Gage was slamming into her with a ferocity that made my teeth ache. Partly because I didn’t want him fucking her too hard, and partly because I knew I’d do the same thing. He was caught up in the feel of her, the suppressed longing of all these years finding somewhere to go. Every time he plunged deep, he made clear just how much he wanted her, needed her. Over and over he made his feelings plain, right up until this.

She sounded almost scared when she came, I didn’t expect that. Her pants became frantic, a little whine following that as she rose up off the bed. She was beautiful, cheeks flushed, eyes shining as she stared into his, her mouth opening to say something, but she couldn’t. There was speaking or feeling, and right now she was just feeling Gage.

“Come for me.” He wasn’t ordering her, but begging. “Come on my cock.” Gods, I hadn’t felt this keyed up since the first time I kissed a girl. I wanted Kendall to do exactly as he said, just as I wanted to shoulder forward and take over. Pull Gage off of her and replace him in one long stroke, or maybe tilt her head back, stare into eyes hazed with lust and then ease my cock between those open lips. Or just stand there, like a guard of honour, working my dick as I watched them fuck, right before I came all over her fucking gorgeous tits. “Come, Kendall!”

Gage wasn’t ordering me to do anything. He didn’t know I was here, but somehow the words affected me the same. I hadn’t jizzed in my pants since high school, but my breath came in rapid and noisy as I felt that involuntary rise of pleasure tearing through me. It was like I was being licked by flame, every nerve ending burning as they screamed, right as my dick twitched then unloaded in my hand.


It took real effort to drag my eyes away from Gage, but when I met Van’s eyes, saw his stricken expression, I knew he was feeling the same way. We shuddered as we rode whatever hellish feeling this was, right up until we were done. A gentle kiss between Gage and Kendall and some soft words were what broke the spell for me. I glanced down at the growing wet spot in my pants and then jerked myself away from the door, dragging Van with me.

“What the—?” he hissed.

“We’re not ruining this for Gage,” I replied, marching us back to the front door, skirting the mess, then going back to the bags of food. I opened the front door and then slammed it shut again, hopefully giving Gage the warning he needed that we were home.

“Maybe he would’ve let us join in,” Van shot back. “Maybe we should be in there—”

“We don’t know what went down, but we do know that Gage has managed to pull off the one thing we all want, and we need to respect that.”

He nodded slowly, but the mutinous look in his eyes gave me pause, right before he walked down the hall, making sure his boots clumped along the floor as he headed for the kitchen. I sighed and went to grab the mop, but right as I was running the water to fill the bucket, I heard a thumping at our front door.

“Kendall!” A muffled masculine voice at the front door had me approaching with a frown. Did she have some stalker ex-boyfriend she hadn’t told us about yet? I yanked it open, not to find a former lover but Finn. “Where’s my fucking sister?”

I filled the doorway and planted my feet, making clear I wouldn’t be moving anywhere.

“She’s here, dickhead, and?”

“She left me a voicemail, said we need to talk.” He shot me a dark look. “What did you do? What the fuck did you do to her?”