“It’s not gonna fit,” Kendall said, some of the tension returning to her body.

“It’ll fit.” I reached across to my bedside table and threw a tube of lube on the bed, before pulling out a condom and holding it up. “You’re made to take me, babe, now, condom or not?”

“I have very real fears…” I cocked an eyebrow before she fell silent. “Fine, I’m clean. It’s been… way too long since I’ve had sex with anyone.”

She knew how to say just the right things. I barely resisted the urge to beat my fists on my chest and roar my satisfaction at hearing that, but I didn’t.

“Me either.” I glanced at the mess in the drawers. “I’ve got my STI test results in there somewhere…”

“I trust you.” A hand went around my neck, tugging me back down, and wasn’t that the best thing I’d felt in a long, long time? She was so soft, I knew I’d sink right into her. “Your cock, however…”

I snorted and then kissed her. She’d fucking love my dick when I got it inside her. I wasn’t ashamed to admit I was gifted in the girth department, and while it might be a bit of a fight initially, we’d both win before I was done.

“Lube makes everything possible,” I said, pulling away to grab the tube, but she followed me, crouching down in front of me, the kiss of her lips on my nob the sweetest fucking thing I’d ever felt. “Babe, no—”

“You want it lubed.”

Her hot little mouth opened and wrapped itself around my dick, and that was when the persistent ache in my balls let me know how fucking close I was. Like I was about to bust right down her throat, and I couldn’t have that. I put a hand on her head, trying to pull away, but her hands wrapped around my hips, pulling me closer.

That. The silken pull of her throat expanding to admit me, then hugging me so close I could feel my heartbeat jumping in my dick. It was so fucking seductive my eyes started to roll back in my head. But I couldn’t, wouldn’t do this right now. If she had a mind to suck my dick later, I’d let her go until her jaw started to ache, but something inside me hurt, needing something else. I eased free of her mouth and then looked down at her.

“It’s plenty wet enough, now…”

She was a fucking picture, a pearl lost in the mess of my sheets. I loved the expansive spill of her curves, the way her stomach was so soft when I leaned over. Her tits lured me forward, but right now I needed to attend to something a little more pressing. Her saliva was drying on my length, the hot skin sucking in all moisture, right up until the point I brushed the head against her seam.

Fuck, she was molten hot and slick, her cunt parting around the head like a kiss, making me want to just drive myself into her. But her fears were apparently justified as I felt a barrier as soon as I pushed forward.

“So fucking tight…” I groaned.

“I told you.”

She had more to say, her brows creasing, her mouth moving, right before I eased the head in. Then she let out this long sigh, seeming to just give under me.

“Tell me we don’t fit together.” I rasped that out. “Tell me that this doesn’t feel perfectly right.”

But she couldn’t. Her nails were pinpricks digging into my shoulders, making clear how she felt. If that wasn’t clear enough, her little pants then the long moan that followed communicated it perfectly. I was forced to work myself back and forth in maddeningly short little strokes, but every inch I claimed was worth it. Kendall opened up for me, let me in, her hands slapping down on my hips when I tried to pull back, then dragging me deeper.

There are some moments so perfect you know they aren’t likely to be ever matched. A perfect kick, the ball sailing through the goalposts, or getting all green lights on the way to work, and her, always her. I had no idea if this resolved anything with Kendall at all, but I knew this. I’d never forget the way her cunt strangled my cock, clamping down in fluttering waves before releasing and letting me deeper. My breath burned my lungs as I held it, right up until I reached her depths. That’s when I stared down at her.

I wanted her to know exactly who was fucking her, and when she looked up, I think she knew. That I’d be here, with her, every step of the way through her life and beyond, if that was what she wanted. That I was hers. Ready to service her, pulling back just to feel the sweet suck of her cunt, before stabbing deeper, the sounds of her little gasps music to my ears. I’d have her singing every song of pleasure I knew and then learn more just to keep hearing that sound.

A savage one, of grunts and flesh slapping against each other, the beat getting faster and faster, ones that kept pace with my heart. The heart that beat for her only, just for her. I fucking loved her, but that was like an aching tooth in the back of my mouth most days, and right now it felt like it erupted. Inside me, tearing me apart and putting me right back together again, harder, stronger, rocking her along with me, until she gasped, her grip tightened, until her whole body went rigid.

“Come for me,” I told her. “Come on my cock. Come, Kendall!”

Her whole body arched up over the bed, and I felt that convulsive little flutter that destroyed my control utterly. God, I felt like I was blasting her with everything I fucking had, my pain, my pleasure, and most of all: how much I fucking loved her.

I pushed her hair back from her face and stared down into her eyes as she rode the wave I’d set her upon.

“Good girl.” My mouth brushed hers. “Such a good fucking girl.”

Chapter 32


Van and I came home, ready to cook Kendall dinner, but instead of walking into our house, we entered a war zone.

“What the fuck…?”