“Not yet,” Van replied. “Not this time, but I will spend my days teasing you open, making it feel so damn good for you. You want that, don’t you, Kendall?”

She nodded sharply, and that sealed the deal. I pulled free for just a second, unable to bear anything longer, before flopping on my back and pulling her down on top of me. That feeling, of driving myself home, right where I needed to be, had my balls pulling up tight, but I grit my teeth. I wouldn’t come, not yet, not until…

There was the sharp sound of a bottle cap opening and then Van poured lube all over his fingers before working some on his dick.

“You like feeling full.” He moved behind her. “Getting that stretch going that makes you aware of everything happening inside you.” She jolted when his hands slipped down, resulting in a growl from me. But the way her cunt clamped down, then fluttered quickly as if she was about to come but stopped, made clear she wasn’t unhappy about this shift. “Imagine this. Me filling you here while Connor’s in your cunt, or Gage if you can take the two of us, but right now…”

Kendall moaned, her face flushed, her brows creasing as she pushed back. A sharp little intake of breath and then a much deeper, more desperate sound.

“Look at you, taking my finger so well.” He was playing with her arse. “Oh fuck, baby, you look so damn hot. It’d feel so good, a cock in your pussy and one in your arse. We’d be rubbing that G-spot with every stroke.” Her moans grew higher pitched, almost like a plea. “But I know something that will do that better.”

Van shot me a meaningful look as he loomed over Kendall, making clear what he intended. Double penetration the way he described would take some work, but two dicks in her pussy… I felt a nudge, but it wasn’t for me.

“Can you let me in?” He smoothed his other hand up and down her back. “I think you can. You’ll feel so damn full then.”

A little grunt from Kendall that had me glaring at Van.

“Take it slow, dickhead.”

“I will. Slow as you need me to be.”

My heart was in my throat, beating so fast it threatened to choke me, but right when I felt I needed to stop everything, I felt Kendall push back.

That shoved me so much deeper, my whole body tingling at the increased sensation, but right as I fought for control, I felt it. A bloody intense pressure, god knew how Kendall bore it, pressing me hard against the spot she needed me the most.

“Oh fuck…” she hissed. “Oh fuck…”

“Don’t go too fast,” Van told her, staring at the place where our bodies connected. “Fuck, I can feel you clenching down on my finger. Take a big breath and let it out. You can do it, baby.” Her breath fanned across my face. “That’s it. That’s it. Fuck…”

His voice trailing away told me everything I needed as everyone just focussed on breathing. The sensation was intense. Tight, almost too tight, and hot and slick. The need to stay right here, hovering on the edge of something, was met with the contradictory need to move. Thrust deeper, though now it would need to be in shallow strokes, but the unbearable tension more than made up for that. Everyone had all the damn friction they needed.

“Oh god… Oh god…” she whimpered, which had me taking her head in my hands.

“Good or bad, Kendall?” We should’ve discussed this beforehand, made sure she was on board with this kind of thing. “Good or bad. I can pull out if you need me to.”

“No!” Her eyes flicked open, burning into mine. “No, I need…”

That’s what I needed to hear. That this was for her. That she needed every bit of me, because I would give it to her every time. I couldn’t even tell you who moved first, just that they became quickly synchronised. She, he, we, it all became one.

Van came first, something Gage mocked him mercilessly for later, but his greedy gasp of pleasure seemed to spur on our own. Kendall’s cunt was like a vise, forcing out any thought of lasting longer from my body. Right as ecstasy threatened to take me out of my head, my eyes locked with Kendall’s. I saw that wonder-that shock at what she was feeling-that we could pull this much sensation from her body and then the hot, hot rush of something sweet as she recognised that we had. My mouth found hers, kissing her moans and gasps away, until finally our bodies fell still.

“Fuck…” Van dropped to the bed like a stone, but he reached over and dragged Kendall down next to him. “Like that, baby. That’s what we’d do on our honeymoon, until you couldn’t walk straight.”

“I’m fairly sure you’ll need to carry me the rest of the day,” Kendall rasped and then hissed.

“Are you all right?” I asked. “We didn’t hurt you?”

“Not in any way I didn’t want.” She nestled down in Van’s arms with a smile, then reached out for me and Gage. We went to her, forming a protective cocoon around our beautiful butterfly. “I could get used to this. You locked the front door, right?”

“Right,” I confirmed.

“Good. No one else can come inside today and piss us off, so we can just…”

Kendall didn’t finish that thought, her voice trailing away as her breaths got deeper.

“Just what, Kendall?” I prompted gently. “Just what?”

But she was gone, lost to sleep, something that had me shaking my head slowly. I’d work out exactly what that was, right after I’d had a sleep.