Page 41 of Bruiser's Reckoning

Hammer intercepts one of them while Malice and the others help with the others. My Prez looks at me, grimaces, and nods. “Gwyneth, swear to all I am, this club will get you back.”

“I know, Hammer.” She nods and lets out a shaky breath. She tilts her head back and slides her hands up to cup either side of my face. “I’ll see you even if it’s only in my dreams.”

Without giving me a chance to remark, she twists out of my arms and rushes out of the clubhouse. I want nothing more than to run after her. To bring her back here. To tell her what she makes me feel.

Damnit all to hell.

Moments later, my sister comes barreling through the door, tears streaming down her cheeks.

“Oh God, Bruiser,” she murmurs, barely making it to me before her legs give out underneath her. “You have to get her back. If you don’t, she’ll be lost to you. I know what he intends to do to her. He . . . he told me.”

“What did he tell you?” I growl, feeling my gut twist even further than it already was.

“He’s taking her straight to the airport where a buyer is waiting,” she sobs, shaking in my arms. “He killed a woman in my house in front of me and the kids. Said she was of no use to him anymore and that her debt was paid in blood.”

“Savage says they’re on the road heading east,” Hammer says, coming toward us, holding the phone to his ear and an arm around the little girl in his arms. He hands her over to Leanna and meets my gaze. “We ridin’?”

“Damn right, we are.” There’s no way in hell I’m not riding out. I’m not letting this fucker take my woman anywhere. If he’s heading toward the airport, there’s only one he’d be going to. He wouldn’t chance a scene at a large airport. He’d go for the secluded, more private one with the hangers where smaller planes are stored. “Tell ‘em he’s heading for Grove End Landing Strip.”

“You hear that?” Hammer asks, talking to Savage. “Right. We’ll be heading out.”

I give my sister a squeeze and step away from her. “Go on back to where the rooms are, knock on the doors until one opens. Stay with them until we get back. And give the Gradys a message for me. Tell ‘em we got this under control.”

“Tell the Gradys you have it under control,” she repeats, nodding. Taking the kids with her, she does as I tell her.

I turn my full attention to my brothers. “Now, we get my woman back and kill ‘em all.”



Fear threatens to choke me. It leaves a vile taste in my mouth, and I swear at any moment I might throw up. Knowing Bruiser will come for me is the only thing keeping me from doing just that.

Sitting across from the man who is now my captor freaks me out. He has a jagged scar that runs along his cheek and forks off to under his ear and along his jawline. His eyes are dark, and he seems so at ease, like he doesn’t think anything could or would happen to him.

God, I hope Bruiser is able to get away from the clubhouse and come find me.

“You must have questions as to why this is happening to you,” Johnathan states, stretching his arms along the back of his seat.

“If I did, would you actually answer them?” I ask snarky like. It’s probably not the best idea, but if Bruiser doesn’t get to me in time, it could be too late.

Johnathan laughs and leans toward me. “I like you,” he says, pointing a finger and wagging it. “From the first time I saw you, I knew I’d like you. Too bad to give you up. I have someone of great importance who wanted to buy you upon seeing your picture. Hence, the bounty that was put out on you. I must apologize, though, for your brother. Unfortunately, that was your mother’s doing. She claimed it was the only way to make your father pay for his wrongdoings.”

“My father’s wrongdoings? What, having a mistress? Please, I’m willing to bet she was spreading her legs to anyone who’d give it to her.”

“You’re right indeed about her,” Johnathan confirms and leans back in his seat. “I personally refused to sample her wares, but I know of others who claim she’s quite loose, though does wonders with her mouth.”

“This I don’t need to know,” I mutter, crossing my arms and looking out the window at the passing dark scenery.

“You are definitely not like her.”

I glance back at Johnathan as he chuckles. “She’s not my biological mother, so how would I be anything like her?”

“This is true. Because she was more interested in her own needs and selfish about every little thing regarding her life, I will inform you that she’s where we’re going. According to her, she wants to ensure you get what you, as she puts it, deserve.”

“Oh goodie, so I get to see Mother Dearest before you hand me over to, what, some sex slaver or something?” I sneer.

“He’s not exactly in the business.” He grins, showing me his bright pearly whites. I’m willing to bet he gets his teeth bleached. “Who you’re going to is a man who runs one of the top cartels I’ve ever come across. Just think of it this way, you’ll get to spend your nights in the beautiful continent of South America. He controls nearly all of Venezuela, and I believe he’s got a few homes on various islands. I’m not sure exactly which one he’ll take you to.”