I have to trust Bruiser and the others. I saw the look in his eyes. Whatever or whoever he’s about to face off with tonight, they don’t know what they’re up against. They’re in for one hell of a reckoning when it comes to that man. He’s not one to be trifled with.
The first real-time I’ve seen my woman get shit-faced shouldn’t have been because she’s dealing with the death of her brother. It pisses me off that I’m leaving her alone as it is. Her being drunk off her ass, yeah, that doesn’t make me happy. Not in the least.
During church, my brothers and I all came to an agreement. This shit comes to an end. To get to Johnathan Bryant, we’re going to confront the threat that started it all. Not completely, since he was already after Willow and using Honor as a way of bait through Simon. How the wheels have turned. He doesn’t want the others anymore.
We’ll still be taking him out as well, but first up, Gwyneth’s parents. More or less, her mother. Neither of them knows about Simon, or they shouldn’t that is. It’ll be interesting to see the news dawning on them when they find out. If, from what we know about the mother, she won’t be a blubbering mess. What I want to see for myself is how the father will react to the knowledge his son is dead. Will he be torn up about it like his daughter? Will he wonder where his daughter is? If she knows? How she’s taking the news?
Riding with my brothers now, I can’t get the sight of Gwyneth’s heart breaking out of my head. All I keep seeing is the pain filling her eyes. The tears wanted to escape the hold she’d had on them. Her pain echoed out to me. Fuck me, I never want to see that look in her expression again.
The more I think about it, the higher my anger gets. It’s time for the bullshit to be done and over with. By the end of the night, I swear one way or another, this shit ends for my woman. I won’t allow anything else to happen to her.
Enough is enough.
The people behind this, the ones responsible . . . they’re in for a reckoning they’ve never seen before. I’ll take them all down and burn their homes to the ground.
Thirty minutes pass, and soon we’re driving up to a gated property. Cy does his thing and gets the gate to open. Once we’re through, we ride right up to the front doors.
The door opens immediately to two men who look similar to each other, even though one is much older than the other. Father and son. Simon and Gwyneth’s father and grandfather. Both of them are dressed in suits that look like they cost about what I spent on all of my leather together.
“What the dickens is going on here?” the grandfather demands the moment all of us shut our bikes off.
No one replies to the old man as we climb off the back of our bikes and make our way toward them.
“I’ll have you all arrested for trespassing,” the old coot blusters.
“You go ahead and try to have us arrested, you old bastard,” Malice snarls. “I’d like to see you try.”
I guess my VP knows the older man.
“Who are you people, and what are you doing here?” Gwyneth’s father asks, and on a closer look, I can see some resemblance.
“I’m your daughter’s man,” I speak up, stepping forward. “Do you have any idea the bullshit you and your wife have caused? That the debt your wife and you have caused is the reason your very own son is dead.”
“Excuse me?” the old coot huffs.
“What are you talking about?” Gwyneth’s father asks, shock overtaking his expression. “What do you mean my son is dead? What have you done to him?”
“How about you ask your wife?” Hammer advises. “Speaking of her, where is she this evening?” Moving forward, he pushes his way through the two men into the oversized house.
“I’m calling the police,” the old man shouts.
“Go ahead. Maybe they’d like to know how your son and his wife are behind your grandson’s murder.” Malice sneers.
“Why do you keep saying we’re the reason? What have you done to my son? Where is my daughter?”
“Your daughter is none of your concern,” I snap and get directly in his face. “Because of you and your wife’s selfishness, not taking care of your debts the proper way and then not taking care of the money you owe that person, her life was put in danger. And your son, we hid, unfortunately, someone found him and killed him.”
“We’re not in debt,” Gwyneth’s father utters the words, taking a step back, his face paling. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know anything about this. Our finances are in order, and if they were in trouble, I would know about it and take care of things properly. I might be a lot of things, but I’m no fool when it comes to my money.”
“You’re an idiot and a sad excuse for a father,” I state, though I believe him when he says he’s no fool when it comes to finances. “How about you explain to us then how your wife came to be in debt and seeking money from a man named Johnathan Bryant?”
This is something I want him to explain. And from the look on his face, he’s not exactly thrilled to hear Johnathan’s name.
“What is this about?” the old coot demands, stepping closer to his son. “We have nothing to do with the likes of Johnathan Bryant. He’s nothing but trouble. Always has been.”