Page 34 of Bruiser's Reckoning

I press another kiss to her forehead, step back, and drop my hands from around her waist. “I’ll be right back, Princess.”

“Okay,” she whispers, the tears she’s holding back could be heard in her voice.

One last look in her direction, I go bang on Dagger’s door. “We gotta roll,” I shout for him to hear me. I don’t wait for him to open his door before going in search of the other two. I find Colt on the back deck and Carbine in the kitchen. “Get your shit. We’re heading out. Hammer called we gotta get back to the clubhouse. Taking the bikes.”

“What’s happened?” Dagger asks, coming in, eyes alert, hair disheveled.

“Gwyneth’s brother was found, killed, and a message was left behind,” I tell ‘em. “We got to get back to the clubhouse. We need to get there without someone seeing or catching us before we arrive.”

“How the fuck did they find him?” Carbine demands, nostrils flaring.

“What message did they leave?” Colt asks, his voice that of steel.

I glance toward the stairs, making sure Gwyneth isn’t in hearing distance before answering. “That we’re next.”

“Fuckin’ hell,” Dagger snarls and rakes a hand through his hair. “I’ll get my shit.”

“We leave in five,” I tell him.

“I’ll meet you at the bikes.” Dagger nods and darts off back to his room.

“We’ll go unload yours and Dagger’s bikes from the trailer,” Colt announces.

“Appreciate it,” I grunt and head back to my room to find Gwyneth coming out, face paler than I’ve ever seen it.

Without even thinking, I move to her and pull her in my arms, where she burrows her face in my chest. “If I could change what happened, I would in a heartbeat, Princess.”

“I know you would, Bruiser,” she says, her words muffled.

Cupping the back of her head, holding her to me, I give her the support she needs from me. I know it’s not enough, but for now, it’ll have to do.

“We’ve got to get on the road,” I tell her.

“Yeah.” Nodding, she takes a step back, drawing from my arms. “I’m ready when you are. You can leave my bag here if we need to.”

“Grab it, baby, we’ll stow it in my saddlebag. You don’t have anything at the clubhouse, so it’ll give you something until we can get you more.” I don’t know how long she’s going to be locked down, but until this shit is handled, I’m not taking any chances. We get her in the club, then I’ll find the motherfucker who’s responsible for not only the bounty but also the death of Gwyneth’s brother. Then I’m gonna make sure he screams before I take his head the way Gwyneth’s brother lost his.

“We got anything new?” I ask Hammer the moment we step into the clubhouse. My hand tight around Gwyneth’s, keeping her close. She’s been damn good about all this since finding out about her brother, but I know at some point she’s gonna break. When she does, I want to be there for her, however, she needs me.

“Savage and Gunner are on their way back. They didn’t report much over the phone,” Hammer informs me and looks at my woman, eyes filling with compassion. “Gwyneth, I’m sorry about your brother.”

“It’s okay,” she whispers, and from the tears in her eyes, I know it’s not.

“Babe, it’s not okay,” Hammer mutters and shakes his head. “None of this is okay. Your brother shouldn’t have been killed. You shouldn’t be targeted. Unfortunately, we live in a world that’s unfair and pretty fucked-up. I lost my brother and his wife to this life. Not the MC but the dark side of our lives. A satanic cult killed them, left my nephew in their blood, and took my niece. So, I know what you’re feeling, even if it’s a different type of feeling. Losing a sibling isn’t like a parent. They grow up with you. They’re your best friend even when they’re not. You lose a part of yourself when you lose them, but darlin’ you gotta remember something . . .” He pauses, a look of tormented grief on his face. “You gotta remember, no matter what, they’re still with you every day. You got the memories to keep ‘em alive. No one can take those from you.”

“Thank you, Hammer.” Tears stream down Gwyneth’s face, and I don’t think she’s even aware of them.

“Not a problem, Gwenny.” Hammer gives a curt nod and looks at me. “Soon as Savage and Gunner get here, we’ll converge in church and discuss what’s going on and what the plan is.”

“Got it, Prez.” Taking that as my cue, I guide Gwyneth farther into the clubhouse, taking her to a table. “I’m gonna get you a cup of coffee, Princess.”


She doesn’t look up at me as she takes a seat. Her eyes seem haunted and focused on something not in front of her.

Leaning down, I press a kiss to the top of her forehead. I keep her in my peripheral while I head to where the coffee sits ready behind the bar. Dagger, Colt, and Carbine all have mugs in hand as they move away to give me room.

“She’s gonna be okay,” Dagger states. “I sent Hammer a text at the last stop while we were filling the bikes up asking if he minded if I made a call. He didn’t, so I did once we got here. They should be here any minute.”