Page 31 of Shiner's Light

“I’m gonna fuck you, Olive, right here,” Shiner rasps right at my ear, sending a chill down my spine. “I’m gonna take you hard and fast. You’re gonna take it. Take all of me.”

Oh my.

“Okay.” I barely get the word out of my mouth before he’s gripping the edges of my pants, yanks them and me off the sink. I grip his shoulders to keep from falling.

Pants clear my waist, and seconds later, I feel his cock pressing at my entrance. There’s no fumbling around, he hits the target and plunges inside. Stroke after stroke, he thrusts deeply, fucking me like a wild man.

Shiner slams his lips back to mine as my orgasm rips through me, muffling the sounds of my screams. It’s intoxicating, life-altering, soul-clutching. If it were even possible, I swear my body would mold to his and become a part of him.

Long moments later, Shiner’s thrusts become more sporadic, his grip tightens, and he growls into the kiss, filling me with his release. Only when he’s spent every last drop inside does he pull back enough to meet my gaze.

“Fuck, Olive, honey,” he rasps, the thickness in his voice gruffer than usual. “I needed that. More than you’ll ever know.”

“I don’t get why you needed it, but I’m glad I was able to give it to you.” I’m confused and still feel like it’s because of me that Milo was taken in the first place.

“Needed you, Olive, because you’re my woman. Mine and I needed to reassure myself you were still here, just as my son is now in the other room, sleeping in our bed.”

“But it was my fau?—”

“Don’t even think of finishing that sentence,” he growls, getting nose to nose with me. “Your days of taking responsibility for your bitch of a sister’s actions are over with. You don’t take the blame for it. You do it again, and I’ll spank your ass until you can’t sit.”

“You’d spank me?” I don’t know if I could handle him hurting me.

Shiner slides his hands up my sides, around my back, up into my hair. “Honey, I’d never hurt you. Never,” he growls. “That doesn’t mean I won’t punish you if you deserve it. However, when I punish you, Olive, you’ll always end up begging for more because it’ll be the most intense pleasure you’ll ever experience.”My lips part on a breath as I try to visualize what he’s just said. Shiner takes the opportunity to nip my bottom lip. “I’ll spank your ass, slap your pussy and make you squirt all the juice for me. I’ll make you beg to come. I’ll pinch that pretty little clit of yours, and I’ll make you scream for more. And when I get my cock in your ass, honey, you’ll be on fire for me.”

“Oh my,” I whisper, my rear clenching at the thought. “I don’t think you’d fit there.” The words are out before I can stop them, but it’s the truth. He’s big, like really big. He’d tear me apart.

Shiner chuckles and kisses the tip of my nose. “I’ll fit, Olive. Trust me, I’ll show you.”

“Um, okay,” I utter apprehensively.

Shiner grins and pulls away completely. “Come, we’ve got to get you cleaned up, and then we need to get back out to the main room to see to this bullshit.”

“Right.” I nod and slide off the counter with Shiner’s help. “But I have to ask?—”

“Yeah, Olive, that was your dad you saw come in the clubhouse,” he answers before I can finish the question. “I don’t know what he’s doing here, but that’s what we’re going to find out. Regardless, you and me, we’re together, and I’m not letting you go. If he tries to take you, I’ll kill him.”

“I don’t want to go with him.”

Why would I want to go with a man who didn’t want me after my mom died? He left me to my sister and not once cared what happened to me. Nothing he has to say will change anything. There’s no excuse for him abandoning me to Sasha.

If he tries to take me from Shiner, I will put up a fight because, for the first time in my life, I’ve found the light at the end of the tunnel, and I don’t want to lose it.

Shiner and Milo are that light. I’ve lived long enough in the dark bleakness, and all I want is to be a part of the lightness that they fill my soul with. Shiner gives this to me, but in his own way, while his son shows it to me in another.



Olive’s hand in mine, the need to kill diminished slightly. I check on Milo and set up the baby monitor I keep here at the clubhouse. It’s got two cameras, one for here and one for the other room he usually stays in now when he’s here. Blow and the others designed a room for the kids to be able to stay when they are here and put it right across the hall from mine.

With the baby monitor straight and my son sound asleep, I guide my woman out of the bedroom. Earlier, when I brought her in here with me, I didn’t intend to fuck her in the bathroom, but damn if I didn’t need to be inside her to calm the raging beast inside me.

Between the bullshit Sasha pulled, nearly losing my son to the psycho bitch, and Rodion showing up, it was too damn much. I needed an outlet. I also needed to reassure myself that my woman was also good. In the time I’ve spent with her when she wasn’t giving me the silent treatment or running away, I’ve learned more about her than I already knew.

Olive is special in so many ways. I knew this years ago before she up and ghosted me. She could make me laugh in ways no one else could. Anyone around her could see the compassion she has inside her.

It kills me that I’d allowed myself to be fooled by her sister as long as I did. It was never her that I was attracted to. Sasha merely projected herself off Olive. I guess you could say Sasha mirrored her in order to hide her true self.