“It’s on me,” Griz grumbles and explains to them what happened along with the fact that he hadn’t known the woman he was seeing was a cop’s daughter. “Fucked up, but we were able to move everything out to the farm.”No one could miss the haggard expression marring his face. The raid last night is really fucking with him.
“Brother, it ain’t on you,” Blow states sternly. “If it weren’t for you overhearing your girl on the phone with her dad, we wouldn’t have known about this shit in the first place, and we would have been caught with our pants down.”
“Not my girl,” Griz grumbles. “Fuck that bitch, she can go to hell.”
I can’t say I blame him for that thought. I’d feel the same damn way if I were in his shoes.
“At least they didn’t find the shipment, and we’re clear of them finding anything else,” Nines puts in, leaning back in his seat. “We’ll keep the shipment at the farm for the time being.”
“I need someone to take my rotation this time around,” I speak up, knowing it’s time to shift the conversation. They have to know about not only Tessa and Rubi but also that one of the cops here last night had been one of the three who hurt Olive.
“I’ll switch with you,” Torch offers.
“Appreciate it.” Nodding, I share a look with him and then scan around the table. “We’ve got some other shit besides just the raids to handle.”
“What?” Blow grunts, leans back in his seat, and braces.
I hold his gaze for a brief moment before scanning the table. “You all know that Olive ran, and we found her two weeks later in the homeless camp.”
“You find out why?” Sniper asks.
“How the fuck did she get out without any of us catching her?” Scorn mutters.
“Through a hole in the fence,” I answer. “She left because I fucked up. Rubi and Tessa caught her and told her to leave. Told her exactly how to do so and that she needed to stay the fuck away.”
“That's why those bitches surrounded her last night?” Surge growls, a brow cocked in question.
“What are you talkin’ about?” Blow demands.
“Torch told me about it while we were cuffed and sitting on our asses during the raid,” I mutter and finish explaining about the whole ordeal. It pisses me off that they pulled this shit. I want their asses out of here, but it’s not my call alone.
“Get those bitches in here,” Nines orders looking to Flash. “I don’t care if you have to drag them in here, bring them in here.”
“Switchblade, go with Flash and help him,” Blow adds. “I’m not dealing with this shit. Bullshit drama isn’t happening here as it has with others. I’m done with that shit. If a bitch can’t handle an ol’ lady and wants to be disrespectful, her ass is out.”
“We kicking them to the curb?” Lucky asks.
“Fuck, no,” Blow growls. “We’re sending them to Stoney or Twister. With them there, they can’t cause problems. We throw them to the curb, what’s to say they won’t still cause shit.”
“Yeah, bitches are some crazy ass cunts when they don’t get their way,” Scorn mutters.
“There’s something else I gotta say before they get back in here,” I state, bracing my elbows on the table, one hand palming a fist. “During the raid, a cop stuck close. I asked Olive about it after we were alone ‘cause she was freaked, but I also recognized the pig.” Taking a sharp breath, my gut is tight, and rage boils in my veins. “The motherfucker is one of the men who raped Olive in the video.”
“The fuck you say?”
“Holy shit.”
“You sure?”
“Let’s kill the bastard.”
The anger in the room intensifies with my brothers’ outbursts, and as much as I appreciate the fury, I need to give them the rest. “He told her that he couldn’t wait for another go at her. I’m not going to mention what he said about her pussy.” I’m not about to tell them that they took her virginity. They robbed her of something special to her, something that should have been mine. “He also informed her that Sasha had something in store for me. What that is, I don’t know, but she said we’d soon find out.”
Silence descends upon the room, and my brothers allow this bit of information to sink in. Before anyone can speak further, the doors open and two kicking, screaming women are dragged in wearing nothing but a tank top and thong.
“What’s going on?” Tessa demands, looking furious. “Why are we being dragged around like this?”
Rubi at least has the nerve to look wary in the face of the men sitting in the room with me.