“Let’s get out there and get this done so we can come back in here and finish what we started.”
I nod and draw my bottom lip between my teeth.
Shiner takes my hand in his and guides me out of the room and down the hallway. We barely step into the main room when I come face to face with one of the monsters who haunts my nightmares.
I swear these cops have the worst timing. I had my hand in Olive pants, fingers touching that sweet heat I’m dying to taste, and they fucking show up. It’s not like I didn’t know it was coming from what Griz had said, but that doesn’t make me any less happy about the shit.
To make things worse, the moment we stepped into the main room of the clubhouse, Olive tensed and was separated from me as they told my brothers and me to sit on the floor, hands cuffed behind us. At least we’re not on our stomachs like the last time when they tried some bullshit in accusing Nines of rape.
It’s all I can do to keep an eye on her, seeing the paleness in her features as one of the officers sticks close to her. I don’t know what the fucker’s saying to her, but it’s got fear in her eyes.
“This is bullshit,” Torch remarks from next to me.
“Tell me about it,” I grumble, not looking at him.
“Look, you need to talk to Olive, brother,” Torch says, getting my attention.
“I didn’t get a chance to tell you early, you seemed to be on mission.” Torch smirks. “Anyway, something happened not long before you got back. Don’t know the details, she wouldn’t say, but Tessa had her hand on Olive’s arm, and the others were surrounding her.”
The fuck?
“You want to explain a bit more?” I demand, furrowing my brow as I focus on Olive even more. She’d been sitting on the floor in front of the door when I went to open it. I should’ve pushed to find out what was wrong then, but I’d been on a one-track mind of seducing my way into her pants. Staring at her now, I can see the faintest bruising on her right arm starting.
Torch explains to me that after Chelsea and Lucky took Milo home with them, Olive was heading to my room when several of the fallen harlots surrounded her. None of them spoke to her except for Rubi and Tessa. He didn’t hear what was said, but he’d seen intention in their eyes.
“We’re handling those bitches in church tomorrow morning,” I inform him quietly while watching my woman across the room. The officer at her side has stuck close to her so far, not leaving her. I want to demand to know what he thinks he’s doing. Why isn’t he with the others doing whatever it is they’re doing with the warrant? But I know better and keep my mouth shut for the time being. Markus has already been called in and can handle the rest of this bullshit.
It takes them roughly an hour before we’re finally released, and I stalk over to claim Olive once more. The moment I wrap her in my arms, she seems to relax marginally, but I don’t speak. Instead, I meet the eyes of the bastard cop who’d been by her. While watching, I’d seen him murmur to her every few moments or so, but he kept his face diverted from me being able to see him fully. Getting a good look at his features now, I recognize some of them, but I keep my mouth shut for the time being, not wanting to show my hand. Now that I’ve seen his face and read the name on his uniform, I know who I’m looking for, and it’ll be easy for me to find him later.
“Stay out of trouble,” the bastard has the nerve to say, smirking as he turns to leave with the others.
I want nothing more than to go after him now, but first, I’ve got to find out what all he said to Olive. Scooping her in my arms, I carry her back to the room, glad the warrants didn’t allow them into our private rooms, it’d only been for certain areas of the clubhouse. Which was good ‘cause I know a few of my brothers wouldn’t want anyone else in their room.
For instance, Torch. He’s a damn pyro and has all the shit he needs for anything to do with fire in there. Hence why he got the name he’s got.
Olive doesn’t speak a word, not even when I step into my room and close the door. Carrying her to the bed, I lay her in the middle and stretch out next to her. I slowly cup the side of her face and tilt her head until she’s meeting my gaze.
“He was one of them, wasn’t he?” I ask, barely containing the rage flowing through my veins. She doesn’t need that right now.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”Olive does her best to try and look away, but I refuse to allow her to do so.
“Don’t lie to me, Olive, honey. Remember, I saw footage of what they did. They might have been wearing masks, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t take in each of the features I could see.” I’m not going to fight her on this. Nor will I allow her to hide from me any longer.
It guts me to know what she’s been through. Hell, I was part of the pain she’s had to endure. I was a total dick to her after finding her on my doorstep asking for help. Acting the way I did toward her is something I’ll regret ‘til my dying day, and I’ll spend every waking minute I can making it up to her. She didn’t deserve it, just as she didn’t deserve me allowing my sexual needs to come before her.
There’s no excuse, and I won’t even deny it. I should have manned the fuck up and did right, but I didn’t. That’s my cross to bear and I’ll do it knowing she’s mine and will one day forgive me for hurting her.
“I don’t want to talk about it,” Olive utters, bottom lip quivering, tears shimmering in her eyes.
“You don’t have to, honey,” I slip my hand from her cheek to wrap my fingers through the thick strands of hair and lean in, pressing my forehead to hers. “You don’t have to, not now. But you’re gonna have to talk to someone. If it’s not me, then someone else. Regardless of that, you need to do this, Olive. You need to get it out.”
“I was doing fine until he . . . he showed here.”