“Then you won’t mind telling me about what happened to you,” he states sternly. “There’s more to that message they told you to give us, and we need to know what it is.”
Stiffening, I draw my bottom lip between my teeth and look away from Shiner. “I told you what they said, Shiner. What else do you want me to say?”
“First off, I want to know exactly how they took you outside of the office you work at. You can then tell me how long exactly they had you before you came to me. Once you’ve told me that, you can finish by answering a few questions I have about Sasha’s involvement in any of this and if she’s any threat to coming after Milo.”
“Sasha never wanted Milo. She only had him ‘cause you wanted him and said it was the way to keep you in line,” I blurt out before I can stop myself.
“Come again?” Shiner’s voice takes on that dark, dangerous tone. “You want to explain that? I knew right before the fire she and I were over, but she was Milo’s mom, so I was sticking it out.”
“I know you were, and so did she. Sasha doesn’t like to lose property per se.” I shrug. “In her opinion, you were her toy, and she wasn’t letting go until she had no choice. She set the fire to the house to make you pay for the argument about you being done with her shit. She was going to punish you by taking Milo from you.”
The air in the room tenses further, and I dare a glance in his direction to find his expression stone cold. “Keep going.”
I swallow past the thickness in my throat, and drop my gaze. The least I can do is give him what he wants to know about Sasha. “In Sasha’s mind, no matter if she was with you or not, you were hers. She knew we were close, that I would be there to help you with your son, it’s why she forced me to go away.” Drawing my knees up, I wrap my arms around them and hold tight. “She told me as long as I stayed away, she would leave me alone, not hurt me anymore.”
“She hurt you back then?” he demands gruffly, almost unbelieving.
“You never knew the real Sasha, Shiner. She put on a show when the two of you were together.” I sigh and wiggle my toes to give myself something else to focus on. “But it’s in the past. As soon as I can get my stuff from your house, I’m leaving, and this time I’m not coming back.”
“Olive, you’re not about to leave again,” Shiner announces harshly. “Now, finish telling me what I want to know, including about the fuckin’ message so you can get some more rest.”
Sighing, I release my hold on my legs, lean back against the pillows, and give him what he wants without giving him the details of what happened to me. I explained how I’d been held for a week, no food, no water, my sister tormenting me until the day before they let me go. I tell him the men hurt me and delivered the message that I was to give. If I didn’t, they’d find me and hurt me some more.
There’s no way in hell I was saying exactly what they did. He doesn’t need to know that, even if I can see it in his gaze. I’m just glad that when I finish, he doesn’t ask me to say anything else. Instead, he leans in, kisses my forehead, and pulls away.
“I’m gonna get you something to eat, then I’ve got to meet my brothers. You rest, watch TV, eat, sleep, relax. You attempt to leave this room, though, and I’ll know it. You’re not fuckin’ leaving me again, honey, and I’m gonna make damn sure you don’t get the chance even attempt to do so.”
“You find out any more from Olive?” Blow asks the moment all of our asses are in chairs and the door is closed.
“Enough to make me want to find a bitch and commit homicide.” I let out a frustrated breath and lean back in my seat while rapping my knuckles on the table. “Fuckin’ sadistic bitch was in my bed, and I didn’t even see it.”
“You want to tell the rest of the class,” Lucky mutters sarcastically.
“Lucky, tone down the sarcasm,” Nines orders. “Just ‘cause Chelsea made you sleep on the couch last night doesn’t mean you come in here and be a dick to the rest of us.”
“What did you do to piss off Chels?” Blow demands.
“You don’t want to fuckin’ know. Just put it this way, this pregnancy is going to be long as fuck if the morning sickness doesn’t stop soon,” Lucky grumbles and looks at me. “Now, can you tell us what you meant by that so they won’t realize what the fuck I just said?”
“We’ll get back to that shit you just said about Chelsea being pregnant,” Blow states, a smug look on his face and brings his attention to me. “What did Olive say?”
As much as I don’t want to tell them, they need to know. We’ve got too much going on to have anything not out there. I also know whatever is said in this room won’t get to the ol’ ladies nor anyone else. This shit is too damn private. “Sasha is the one who tore open Olive’s back. Evidently, what happened to her was her punishment for coming back.” I explain to them about the past and what Olive told me. How Sasha thought I was some sort of property to her. I don’t know how she could gather some fucked up shit in her head that I’d belong to her.
Yeah, we were together, but that doesn’t mean shit. When a man claims a woman in this club, they get a property patch on a cut the brother gifts to her. But in no way does it mean she’s literal property. It means she’s protected by the club. That she has a place within these walls, and when she’s out wearing that the cut, it shows it.
The way Olive explained it, though, Sasha’s meaning is entirely different and demented.
I finish with the part about Sasha and pause long enough to take a breath. “She didn’t outright admit it, but Rebecca confirmed it when she was here. She’d been raped at least by one of those bastards. She wasn’t able to tell me exactly how many men, but there were at least three of them who hurt her.” Olive didn’t outright say that shit either, but from the way she spoke about them hurting her, it’s what I’m figuring. I had time to look at the bite marks on her breasts, and there were two different sets of teeth marks.
“Did she get any names?” Griz asks.
“No names,” I confirm with a shake of my head. “Olive was determined she was going to give the message they gave her and then said she was going to leave again, my guess learning her lesson about going against Sasha.”
“She’ll try to leave,” Keys remarks, looking up from the laptop he’d brought in with him. His computer is the only one that is ever allowed in this room. The walls are soundproof, and jammers are built into them for protection. Nothing can be heard in here unless we want it to. The jammers are controlled by Keys’s laptop along with a few other things.