“Heavenly Rose is what she said.” I need to get her out of here.
“Get Griz and Lucky to run you two to the clubhouse. Once she’s straight, the three of you meet us back at the farm. We’ll have Alexei ready for you.”
As much as I want to hold out on tormenting him at the farm, I want to finish his ass here and now. “No offense, Prez, but I need to handle this here. It’s secluded and no one will know we were here by the time I’m finished with him.”
“You sure?” Blow cocks his head.
“Yeah. I don’t intend to take my time with him. I plan to make it as painful as possible and just as quick,” I state and readjust Olive in my arms. “Just take his ass to the kitchen while I lay her down on the couch.”
“I’ll have Keys watch over her.” Blow nods.
“No one touches her,” I grumble, though I know I don’t have to say it. We all heard about this fuckin’ drug from the others who heard of it. It’s not unknown to us. We’d just never experienced it ourselves.
“You know he won’t touch her, brother.” Blow gives me that look he saves for those he thinks are losing their minds.
Nodding, I lay her down and brush her hair from her face. I’m not going to take a long time with what I’ve got to do. She’s too damn important, and when she wakes, I want her to know that there’s nothing left to worry about.
Leaving her under Keys’s watch, I head into the kitchen to find Lucky and Griz securing Alexei’s arms to the kitchen table while Surge and Scorn secure his legs. These men know me all too fucking well. Alexei shouts in Russian and tries to fight them, but he’s not going to get away from four of my brothers.
I move around the kitchen, looking at what I have to work with. There’s not much in here. Some rust coated knives, a few cooking utensils, including a meat fork. A grin comes to mind as I remember the MC show Chelsea forced Lucky to watch. How the one woman used it to kill her son’s wife. Some fucked up shit, but hey, if it works, it works.
But it isn’t for me. I’m more of a knife type of guy.
Opening a few other drawers, I find what I’m looking for. I wrap my fingers around the handle of the cleaver and grin. I pull it out and turn back to the man lying sprawled across the table. Alexei doesn’t look old for his age. He’s rather youthful looking though I know for a fact he’s older than Rodion.
Glancing down at the cleaver, I check the blade, examining its sharp edge. It’s surprisingly sharp and not rusted compared to other utensils in this kitchen.
I return my attention to the bastard. I step next to the table, and my brothers all form a sort of wall around us. Blow and Nines taking position on the opposite side of me.
“You know, Alexei, you fucked up. You touched what isn’t yours. Took something from me and allowed a psycho bitch to pull you into her sick and twisted games,” I state, running the edge of the knife along his torso. “Before you die, you’ll scream for mercy, but I’ll tell you now, there will be none for you.”
Alexei spats out something else in a rush and spits, only to have it fall back on his face.
“I don’t know what the fuck you’re spouting, asshole, so if you want to talk, speak fuckin’ English,” I tell him and reach for one of his ears. Gripping the edge of it, I press the cleaver in and slice through, severing the whole damn thing from his body. Alexei’s screams are music to my ears. “I’ll leave the other one intact for the time being,” I say, waving the severed ear for him to see.
“I’m sure you’re aware of the punishment back in the old days what would happen if a man was accused and found guilty of raping a woman,” I mutter. “I’m not going to do that ‘cause it means actually touching your junk, and that ain’t about to happen, but I’ve got a better idea.” I grin sinisterly and look toward Lucky. “Do me a solid and grab my knife from Sasha’s chest.”
Lucky gives me a grin of his own and nods, turns, and goes in search of the knife. Not even a minute later, he’s back and handing it over.
I take it from him and hold it high enough for Alexei to see the blood dripping from the blade. “This is Sasha’s blood dripping. My woman, her sister, killed her with it. Even fucked up because of the drug you injected into her, she found the strength to kill the bitch,” I snarl and twirl the handle in my hand expertly before slamming it right into Alexei’s groin, directly through his dick and ball sacks. Alexei screams in agony, and I savor the sound. I’m not one to miss my mark, and I want him to feel the most pain possible. “That’s for putting your dick where it doesn’t belong.”
Next, I rip the bastard’s shirt open and drag the cleaver up enough to slice through the skin while moving toward the head of the table. Gripping his hand, I draw the cleaver back and bring it down with enough force it cuts straight through. I round the table and do the same thing with his other hand. “This is for putting your hands on what’s mine. Olive is and always has been mine. You touched her with your hands. You hurt her, and now you’ll go to hell without them.”
“Brother,” Keys calls out, getting my attention, “Olly’s thrashing around in here. You’re gonna wanna hurry it up and get done so you can get to her.”
“Right,” I push through gritted teeth and nod jerkily.
I tighten my grip on the handle of the cleaver and look into Alexei’s gaze. “If she didn’t mean everything to me, I wouldn’t stop cutting you piece by piece,” I snarl, draw the cleaver up, and drop it over Alexei’s throat, slicing halfway through his neck. Pulling the cleaver back, I repeat my action twice more, severing his head from the rest of his body, embedding the blade into the table while his head rolls off the table onto the floor.
Releasing the table, I turn toward my brothers.
“Wash up some in the sink, then get Olly out to the van,” Blow orders and looks to the others. “Get this place ready to set on fire.”
I nod and move rigidly toward the sink while the others make quick work of preparing the farmhouse to set ablaze. By the time I get washed up and have Olly back in my arms, they’re ready to light the bitch up.
As I step out the front doors, Olly curls deeper in my arms and moans. The dawn of light peeking over the trees.
It’s the start of a new day. Hopefully, soon, the drugs will get out of her system, and this shit will be behind us.