Page 28 of Shiner's Light

I remain silent, thinking, trying to remember things I’d long since forgotten when it came to Sasha. She’s got my son, and to get him back, I need to be smart about this. I can’t afford any errors. Milo’s life is at stake along with Chelsea’s.

Another knock comes at the door, this one firm.

“What the fuck else could be happening today?” Blow snarls and jerks his chin toward the door, “Surge open the door.”

Surge silently does as he’s told, and a prospect steps in.

“You have a visitor out here, and they’re demanding to speak with Shiner. Says his name is Rodion Kostenko, and he’s Olive’s father.”

Well, fuck. I guess today is a day full of surprises and shit.

I rush to my feet and stalk out of the room, my brothers behind me. The moment I set eyes on Rodion Kostenko, I know instantly he’s Olive’s father just from the color of his eyes and hair. The woman standing just behind him and to the side also shares remarkable similarities to my woman.

“I don’t have time to deal with you right now,” I snap, narrowing my gaze on the man. “Whatever it is your doing here, it’ll have to wait.”

“Considering your son is my grandson and that he’s in danger as we speak, I’ll let the ignorance slide,” Rodion clips, surprising me that he knows about Milo. “I’m here for this reason, Sasha has him and another woman. My men are watching the place now, but there’re too many guards for them to take on. I do not wish for my grandson to be harmed in any way because of his unhinged mother.”

“That bitch isn’t his mother.” My lip curls in distaste of Sasha being classified as his mother. “She might have pushed my kid out, but that’s all she did. Now where the fuck are they?”



“Brother, you need to keep your shit locked tight,” Blow advises, placing a hand on my shoulder.

“Oh, I’ve got my shit in check, Prez,” I remark, not taking my eyes off Olive’s father. “You going to answer my question of where the fuck my kid is?”

Rodion cocks his head slightly, watching me closely. “I can see why my little vila is drawn to you.” Clasping his hands in front of him, he nods to one of his men, who steps forward and hands him a tablet. “Here are pictures of the building they have taken them to.”

I take the tablet and look at the screen. I see the outside of a brick warehouse and recognize it instantly from the faded white painted words on the side of it, marking what business it used to be years ago. Twisting toward my brothers, I meet Lucky’s gaze. “They are at the old meat packing plant.”

“Then let’s go get them,” Lucky sneers. “I’m not about to let that crazy bitch fuck with Chelsea and make her lose the baby.”

I’ve got to agree with him there. If Chelsea loses their baby because of Sasha, there won’t be a hole deep enough for the bitch to hide in. “Let me go tell Olive.”

“I’ll tell her,” Storm says, making her presence known. “Go, she wouldn’t want you taking the time to see to her.”

I nod and look back to face Rodion. “Appreciate this. Are you joining us or going somewhere else?” There’s no way he’s staying here. I’m not going to allow him to stay this close to Olive without me being here to protect her. She’s mine just as much as my son belongs to me. But right now, he needs me more, and I can’t have my attention torn in two directions. My focus needs to be on him.

“I shall follow. It is time Sasha is dealt with and done so properly,” Rodion announces.

“I don’t know what you mean by that shit, but if it comes to between her or my son, I’ll kill her. She’ll be lucky if I don’t do so as it stands,” I warn him. I won’t put up with interference.

“We’ll explain after we get your son back,” Sonia speaks up. Her voice sounds like a siren’s. “We’re only here to see to business and ensure that my little sister and nephew are safe.”

“Right,” I mutter and turn my attention toward my brothers. “We ready to go then?”

“We do this and do it fast. Make sure to hit them hard, kill them all,” Blow states, his face contorted with the same rage flowing through my veins. This shit is fucking with him. Nearly as much as it is me and Lucky. Not only is Chelsea his ol’ lady’s best friend but a club princess. And Milo is his godson. If anything were to ever happen to me, he was the one who would take him in and raise him. It’s the way I set it up with Markus when doing my will after he was born and Sasha attempted to kill him in the fire she started.

“Hard and fast.” I give a curt nod and head out to my truck rather than my bike. As much as I want to take my bike, Milo’s still too little for riding, especially when I don’t know what state I’ll find him in.

Lucky jumps in the passenger seat as I start the engine. “When we get them back, I need to be able to hold my woman and know she’s good.”

“I get what you mean, brother.”

Flooring it, I take the lead, with Blow and Nines following right behind, staying on my tail.

“This shit’s on me,” I mutter, focusing on the road while talking to Lucky. “Something happens to either your woman or my kid, it’s on me, and I know it.”