Page 17 of Shiner's Light

“Call you what? Honey?”


“Because . . .” I grin, sliding the box out of my way in order to curl a hand around either side of Olive’s waist. I pluck her out of the bed and onto my lap, where she has no other choice but to look at me as I adjust her to straddle me at the same time finishing what I started to say. “When I get my lips on you finally, I have no doubt it’s going to be good. Damn good I might add. I’m sure once I taste the sweetness that’s between your legs, nothing will have ever tasted as sweet.”

“And what makes you think I’ll let that happen?” she asks, and I can see it in her face she’s doing her damnedest to keep from panting. Her cheeks are flush, and lust flares in her eyes. I’m willing to bet that between her legs, she’s wet for me as I knew she was in the shower. It was all I could do not to drop to my knees and press my face there then, but she’s not ready for that just yet. It doesn’t mean I won’t be working her up until she’s all but begging for me to fuck her.

Chuckling, I slide my hands down to cup either side of her ass and squeeze. “Honey, you’ve already all but said it to me two weeks ago. So, get ready and know that time’s running out, and I’ll be right where I am now, but with my dick inside you.” I press a gentle kiss to her lips once more and lift her back up and over until I have her back on the bed. “Now, finish eating, Olive. Tomorrow, you’re meeting Milo, and then we’re gonna go home.”



Morning comes far too early. After pizza last night, well, what little of it I could eat even though I was starving. The smell of the robust tomato sauce and garlic bread was enough to have my mouth watering for it, but I’d been too nervous with Shiner watching me with scrutinizing eyes. We ended up in bed with me curled up in front of Shiner and his arm around me.

He shocked me with what he said about his reason for calling me honey. I didn’t know how to respond, and honestly, in my fuzzy morning haze of a mind, I couldn’t think, period. I’m not typically a morning person. I like to have my coffee in order to shake off sleepiness.

The heavy weight of Shiner’s arm around me keeps me from being able to get up, and I’m not sure that I want to even move from the warmth that is his arms. It feels like pure safety. Like nothing could harm me at this moment, though I know it’s all a lie. It doesn’t matter what he says, his actions have already spoken plenty of volume. Even if he wanted me, I wouldn’t be enough for him.

“I can feel your mind overthinking.”I nearly jump out of my skin at the sound of his voice behind me, his face into my neck. He presses a kiss right in the center. “You want to tell me what’s got your mind in overdrive this morning?”

“Not really,” I answer truthfully. “I need to get up.”

“Hmmm, I like you right where you are.” A shiver courses through my body when he brushes his lips in a caress as he tucks me even closer. “Feels good having you in my arms, honey.”

I don’t understand this man. He’s doing my head in, and simultaneously causing my body to react to his.

“You might like it, but I don’t. Now, let me go so I can go freaking pee.” I’m surprised that he loosens his hold enough for me to break away from him and scamper out of the bed. His gaze follows me as I rush to the bathroom and close the door behind me.

The moment the door is closed, I lean against it, let out a deep breath, and shake my head. I have to strengthen my resolve if I’m going to have to face him this morning. With the way he’s acting, I’m sure he’ll be doing everything he can to crack through the walls I’m trying so hard to keep up. But that is teetering at best.

Sighing, I shove away from the only thing keeping us apart. I avoid looking in the mirror, do my business, wash my hands, use my toothbrush, and run the brush he bought for me through my hair. I should just cut the thick strands, its thickness is sometimes overwhelming, I simply can’t bring myself to do it.

Not ready to get back in there, though I can’t hide here all day, I open the door only to find Shiner right there waiting. He grins at me, wraps an arm around my waist, tilts his head down, presses a kiss to my forehead, turns me, and steps back, closing the door.

Oh. My.

I shake off the feelings running rampant inside me and start searching the dresser drawer where he’d put some of my things a while back. I need to be dressed more than I am. A T-shirt isn’t going to cut it. I need the whole shebang. Panties, leggings, jeans, something. Anything to be used as a barrier of some sort.

I barely manage to get a pair of panties on when the door opens behind me, and Shiner steps out. His arms come around me, and he pulls me flush against his most delectable chest. I’ve dreamed of being able to touch and kiss that chest. I wanted to explore him all over, but after what I went through, I knew it wasn’t going to happen. It just isn’t possible, not with my scars.

“We’re getting Milo and going home this morning, Olive,” he murmurs, hands roaming up and down my sides. “I’m gonna go get him while you get some pants on. Then we’ll go, get breakfast, and spend the day there. You and I will also finish our conversation we started last night.”

“There’s nothing else to talk about,” I utter, barely managing to keep from panting.

“Oh, honey, we have plenty to talk about, but we’re doing it at the house,” he says, kissing my shoulder. “After we spend the day with Milo. He deserves to have a good day enjoying it with not only his dad but his aunt as well.”

* * *

“Daddy, can we plewse watch one more?” Milo asks, looking adorable with his hands clutched together and his eyes pleading.

“Milo, you know the rules,” Shiner answers, cocking a brow.

Spending the day with these two has been amazing. Not only did Shiner keep the day about Milo, but he also kept his touches to a minimum. That doesn’t mean he didn’t touch me. More times than I can count, he held my hand and brushed his fingers through my hair with his arm stretched along the back of the couch. This went on throughout the day.

Once we left the clubhouse, he took Milo and me to breakfast at the local diner. Afterward, we went to the park, where Milo played, ran around, and laughed. The best part of the day was he wanted me to be a part of that. Milo took to me, and it felt amazing to have him in my life as I always wanted him to be. He’s my nephew, but I wished he were mine. Sasha didn’t deserve the little boy.

When we left the playground, Shiner drove us to his house, where the three of us had lunch, then Milo went about playing. Though, he did drag me to his room to show me his toys. I thought his little firetruck bed was the cutest thing. That and the ride-on motorcycle. It suited him to be just like his dad.