“Well, I can oblige you on the sweet moans and the wet ass pussy part, but I can agree with the real world closing at the moment we get back. I took time from my art teacher job to be here and I have a few projects I know will be calling my name the moment we get back. But I want to enjoy us while we have it,” I said, reaching my hand out for his.
He nodded with a smile.
“I’m glad you brought it up. I know when we met that first night, we talked about your art, but where are you with it now? Do you enjoy teaching?” he asked.
He reached over and grabbed a crisp bottle of Albariño, then filled both of our glasses. I could tell he was truly interested, and it only made it easier to give him another part of myself.
“I would say so. I teach adults and kids, but I have to say, kids are my favorite. When you see that burst of inspiration come behind their eyes and how invested they are, it’s beautiful.”
Niko lifted a brow and nodded while taking a sip of his wine.
“I expected you to say you enjoyed the adults since the time we talked about it, you said you painted nude models. You still do that?” he asked.
I laughed and took a drink of my wine as well before answering.
“I do, on occasion, whenever the vibe comes to me. Whenever I want to feel a sense of freedom, I do. Lately, I’ve felt almost grounded, which is how I know I am sliding into my purpose and where I belong. I don’t feel like I am fighting for my freedom anymore. No one can take that from me.”
Niko nodded and was getting ready to respond before the waiter walked back out with a few platters to place in front of us. I looked at the dish in front of us in question because I knew it had to be something from the locals. The waiter smiled and proceeded to explain.
“Your appetizer tonight is patatas bravas, which is a crispy white potato with a spicy sauce called brava for you to enjoy before the main course. I will go ahead and leave you to it,” he said before leaving the patio.
I looked up at Niko, who looked as if he was waiting for me to try it out first. I craned my head to the side and reached out to place one of the diced potatoes on my plate and the sauce was already poured onto it. It smelled divine, and as I took my first bite, I closed my eyes and opened them with a moan. I reached for another and Niko then reached out and tried it himself.
“Damn, you right. This is good as hell,” he mentioned.
“Right. They did a damn good job in the kitchen. If this is how the food is going to be the entire time we’re here, I’m beyond ready,” I told him.
Niko laughed and ate another.
“I agree with you on the freedom thing. I’m getting ready to step into something new,” he said.
I grabbed the napkin beside my plate, dabbed the corners of my mouth and wiped my hands before responding.
“I saw. Congratulations on your retirement. I remember you saying you had a plan when it came to playing ball,” I said.
Niko laughed lightly. “It’s funny how all we had was one night together and yet we remember everything about that night. What were you going to do if someone else was at the end of that aisle?” he asked.
I didn’t know what I would have done; it was a tricky situation for sure. This was beyond unexpected but I couldn’t lie and say Niko hadn’t made the biggest impression on me that night. I just figured there would be no chance we would be in the same place at the same time again, which was why I told him that night that if it was meant to be, God would see fit to put us in the same place again.
I shrugged my shoulders and smiled. “Good thing we don’t have to find out, huh?” I asked.
“Touche. You got a point there. I’m just glad that it worked out the way it was supposed to.”
“So, what’s next?” I asked.
Niko had the biggest smile on his face, which let me know he was beyond excited. It was almost contagious. I found myself smiling as well.
“I got offered a position as a sports anchor for So Sports,” he responded.
I clapped and danced in my seat, causing him to laugh. Then I stood and walked over behind his chair and swung my hips and hair dramatically, causing him to laugh louder. I hugged him.
“Congratulations. That’s such a big thing and I am glad to hear you’re getting ready to do something you’re interested in.”
Niko reached up and wrapped his hand around my neck lightly, guiding me to his lips. He kissed me once, then another time, before releasing me. I smiled and walked back around the table to my chair in time, before the waiter was back out, cleaning our table off. I made sure to tell him to box those up. He laughed and obliged before placing two new dishes in front of us.
“Okay, so what is this? I recognize the lobster, but does this have a name?” I asked.
The waiter nodded with a smile, then proceeded to tell us the background and what it was called. Catalan-style lobster, which consisted of tender lobster meat served with a rich and flavorful sauce made from tomatoes, onions, and garlic. Once he was done explaining, he excused himself once again, leaving us to enjoy our meal alone.