The look in his eyes let me know he was only handing out supreme dick tonight and I was here for all he had to offer. I reached up to meet him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I moaned aloud as he kissed me like I was everything to him.
I wanted to beg but I couldn’t find the voice to. He leaned back and began to slide the tip of his dick against my entrance. I pushed myself down onto it, causing him to tap my thighs with his hands.
“Nah, stop that shit. I’m here to do the fucking, Baby Girl.” He groaned.
He leaned down, then bit my neck as he slid every inch in slowly until there was no more me or him, just we. He lifted my right leg so he could dig deeper. His strokes picked up in pace, causing me to cry out with every stroke.
“Tell me you love this shit, baby. I need to hear you say the words.” He groaned as he continued to fuck me.
“I love this dick.” I cried out, causing him to pick up his pace.
He pulled out of me and slipped back in between my thighs, sucking on my pearl once more. The pressure that had been building in me with his deep strokes caused me to scream and a waterfall to follow.
He strummed my pussy like I was a guitar, causing another orgasm to shake me to my core. I couldn’t even keep my eyes open. My body felt so exhausted and depleted of everything I had to offer but my husband didn’t give me the vibe he was done with me. He flipped me over onto my stomach and slapped my ass.
“Toot that pussy up in the air for me, baby. I know you not done because I sure as hell ain’t done with you. I don’t think you felt me yet.”
I followed his instructions and arched my back perfectly so he could see my pussy from the back. I had every intention of throwing this shit and getting him to tap out. He was not about to be fucking me crazy all night. I was going to need a break before round two. This man had all the stamina in the world and I should have remembered that before teasing his ass.
Niko leaned down and kissed my ass cheek before sliding back into me. He gripped my hips and started to fuck me with no restraints. He leaned forward and gripped my hair, pulling it slightly as he continued to fuck me. I couldn’t get enough and I knew exactly what I needed to do to make him cum. The power of having a fat ass. I began to throw it back, meeting him stroke for stroke. I moaned louder as another orgasm ransacked my body.
“Fuck!” He groaned as he spilled everything he had inside of me.
Once he came off his nut high, he slid from the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom. I heard the water running in the distance before he returned to the room with a bowl and a hot rag. I flipped over and allowed him to wipe my most intimate places, then he went back into the bathroom. I wanted to stay in the same position but I knew I needed to get up and go to the bathroom.
I heard the toilet flush and got up from the bed, then walked into the bathroom. I sat on the toilet for a minute until I was finally able to go. Once I was certain I was good, I came back into the room and he was holding the blanket open. My pussy almost had the nerve to get wet at the sight of his semi-hard dick against his thigh.
I ignored the hell out of it and slipped into the bed, cuddling up with my husband.
“I cannot believe life brought us back together,” I said aloud.
Niko had his arms wrapped around my pudge, pulling me close against him. He placed a kiss on my cheek before he responded.
“That night after the club, we had the best conversation. I always regretted letting you leave without getting your number. I had never met a woman whom I felt I could truly be myself with and you were that. But I also knew I was so hyper-focused on this game and you were in the same place with your art. Did you make it?” he asked.
I never knew how to answer that question when asked. Because money had never been a deciding factor when I thought about making it. It was where I ended up in life that told me if I had made it. I turned in his arms so I could look him in the eyes when I responded.
“If you’re asking me if my work got noticed, yes, and I made good money. But I’m going to be honest. I don’t think I made it until now. I have always measured my success on whether I was happy with who I saw in the mirror. This morning before I walked down that aisle, I realized the woman looking back at me was who I had been building to become. So, long story short, yes, I made it. Did you?” I asked.
“I would say so. I got the ring a few times over, I got the MVP trophies, and even the money. All I was missing was you. I know we have so much more to learn about each other but I am open to doing that with you. My Lore,” he responded, then leaned forward and kissed my nose.
“Now take yo’ ass to bed. We got big plans in the morning so I hope you planned to give your husband at least the weekend before we get back to the real world.”
I smiled and nodded.
This morning, I started out Lore Reed, but tonight and forever forward, I was Lore muthafucking Lockwood.
“Welcome to Barcelona, Spain!” the attendant announced as the plane descended. Lore looked over at me with wide eyes because I hid the fact we were coming here until now. I wanted her to enjoy the moment. Not to mention, we would truly be able to know each other on this trip and figure out what we wanted to do when we got back.
I knew she had her place but I didn’t know where she wanted to live. I also knew these were conversations we could save for after the vacation.
“You did not. First, the private jet, and now this? You didn’t have to do all of this. I would have had a ball at your place or somewhere like Florida,” she said.
“Come on now.”
“I’m serious. We could have done movie nights or anything and I would have been just as appreciative. But I am excited. I’ve never been here before.”