I didn’t respond because she was right. At least that was who I had been before she came in and shook up my life. It was one of the reasons I took the idea of Arranged Hearts seriously.
“I’m here, ain’t I?” I asked.
She craned her head back and looked up at me, then glanced over my shoulder.
“I’m going to assume the good-looking, tall, older man with the scowl on his face is your father. He would be extremely handsome if he lightened up,” she commented.
I laughed again.
“Yeah, that’s him, and he not fucking with this at all. I’m sure my mom got him here. When she wants something, she gets it.”
“I know that’s right,” Lore responded.
Just then, the music cut, and everyone clapped. I looked down at Lore.
“You ready to meet the folks?” I asked.
“As long as you’re ready to meet mine. If you want a smooth start, we should head for my family,” she said.
I knew, without a doubt, that what she was saying was probably the better chance. So, I gestured out in front of me and she stepped around me. I couldn’t help but check out that ass in her dress. She was absolutely beautiful when she walked into the ceremony hall, but this dress matched her personality perfectly.
“I know you’re looking at my ass. Cut it out. I’m getting ready to introduce you to my dad, please act like this is your first time meeting me. I don’t need my family thinking I am a Jezebel.”
I couldn’t help but laugh as we came upon her parents. I saw where she got her looks from. She looked so much like her mother, but I still saw a bit of her father. The moment we stood in front of them, her father and mother stood.
“Mom, Dad, and Mahalia, this is Niko, my husband,” she introduced.
Damn, that had a dope ass ring to it. I held my hand out to shake theirs and they bypassed it, hugging me instead.
“It’s so nice to meet you. I have a ton of questions, but we also know this isn’t the time or the place. But welcome to the family. We need to get you over for dinner once you two get settled,” her mother said.
“Absolutely. I will make sure my schedule is clear whichever day you choose,” I responded.
I looked over toward her friend, who held a knowing look. I knew she was aware of the fact that Lore and I were already acquainted by the smirk on her face. She walked over and hugged me as well.
“It’s nice meeting you for the first time,” she said with a smirk.
Lore gave her a look and stepped around her in front of me.
“You ready?” I asked and she nodded.
Lore turned to face her family and told them what we were getting ready to do, so they took a seat. I glanced up at the ceiling for a silent prayer because I hoped my people didn’t show the fuck out. I led her over to my people and my mom was preparing to stand when Lore stepped around me, then stopped her.
“It’s completely okay. Please stay seated. I am not the Queen of England or anything. I’m Lore, and it’s nice to meet you.”
I shook my head as my mom stood anyway and hugged her.
“Honey, I wouldn’t be getting up for the Queen of England. I don’t know that woman, but it is a pleasure to meet my baby boy’s wife. Although this is an unusual way of meeting, he seems happy already. I look forward to getting to know more about you,” she said.
My dad stayed silent and his expression never changed too much, which was cool with me. If he didn’t have anything good to say, it was best he stayed quiet. Alexis and Matthew walked over next.
“I’m his older sister and we have to do a spa day or something when you get some time,” she said.
Lore smiled and looked up at me before returning her attention to my sister.
“Absolutely. I am definitely in need of one,” Lore responded.
I made sure to make a mental note of that. I wanted to make sure she was taken care of in any way I could. Once Alexis was satisfied, Matthew followed her back to her seat and Kole walked over. The moment he stood in front of her, he lifted her hand and placed a kiss on it. I moved around her and popped him upside the head.