Page 39 of Allure

“So how is married life? have you gotten into your first argument over the toilet seat yet?” she asked.

I laughed thinking back to a couple of days ago when Niko left the seat up and I went to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. I almost fell straight through if it weren’t for my hips. I was beyond pissed.

“How did you know?” I asked with a laugh.

“It’s all men, honey. When they go from being bachelors to married men, it’s a process. They’re used to leaving those things as is unless they need the seat down. I had to tell your father over and over for weeks until he finally got it.”

I shook my head at the thought, I was lucky I didn’t have to say it too many more times to Niko. He felt so bad after that night and had tried from that moment moving forward to put the seat down or not pick it up at all. I didn’t know which one it was but I hadn’t had a problem since.

“That’s funny. But why didn’t you tell me marriage was so life changing?” I asked.

“Well, it’s definitely that. But in what way? Good or bad?” she asked.

I crossed my feet at my ankles as I leaned against the wall and stood in front of the window, watching the waves crash against the shore.

“Very good. I keep looking around for the other shoe to drop but I can’t find it. I know he has this weird thing with his parents but I’m unsure of how that will affect our relationship. I wish I could figure it out, I just don‘t want to pry when he isn‘t ready.”

The line went silent for a while before my mom released a sigh.

“You know, I dealt with the same problem with your father’s family. I hope it isn‘t the same. But for me, they weren’t a fan of our fast union. You know I’ve told you many times before, I knew your father was the one the moment I laid eyes on him. According to him, he felt the same thing. We didn’t wait long to marry and create you. Everything happened so fast, it was unlike anything I had ever imagined.”

I smiled, loving when she told this story. “But I don’t understand why this is a problem.”

“Honey, we taught you free thinking and not falling into what society deemed is normal. It’s normal if it feels right to you. You know what’s right and what’s wrong; we all have a moral compass, or at least some of us do. But, some people can’t understand how some people can seamlessly find love without hassle and others cannot.”

I nodded, understanding what she meant. I felt like Niko was right for me when I first met him but my fight with what was normal kept me from it. I felt I had so much to live up to. He was a man who was already established, and all I had were hopes and dreams. I didn’t have anything to offer to the relationship I felt we could have had.

“I get that completely. I didn’t mention this, but the day of the wedding wasn’t my first time meeting Niko,” I told her.

I waited for her gasp of surprise that never came, only a chuckle.

“Honey, you didn’t need to tell me or your father that. Shoot, anyone who was in the room with eyes could see that.”

I dragged a hand down my face with a smile. I knew like she did that there was a bigger connection with Niko and I.

“Yeah, we met a few years ago before I created my Allure persona. When I first met him, I felt like I didn’t have much to offer a man who was established. I didn’t have anything?—”

“No, let me stop you there. You had everything. The way that man looked at you said everything that needed to be said in that moment. He remembered a single moment from years ago. Honey, that’s not the vibes or impressions of an ordinary woman. You’re more than that.”

I smiled as a lone tear slid down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away, not wanting to spoil the moment.

“Thanks, Mom. I needed to hear that. I’m glad you called though. Um, I have this letter and I think I know what it is, but I’m afraid to open it,” I told her, telling her everything and nothing at the same time.

“Save it for your husband, and when you finally open it, I want to hear all about it. Now, when are you coming to visit? I would love to get to know Niko better and so would your father.”

“I’ll talk to Niko about it when he gets home. I know we plan to celebrate his new job more than likely this weekend.”

“Well, that’s fine with me, honey. Give us a time and we will make it happen. But if he is open to it, I would love to cook him a celebratory dinner,” she offered.

“I’ll let him know and let him decide what we will do, but I loved hearing your voice today, Mom. I’ll check in with you soon. Love you.”

“I love you, too, honey.”

I hung up the phone and stood in front of the window for a little while longer. I wanted to appreciate this moment and every one after. I turned and walked back toward my painting, placing my phone beside the stand then continuing to finish my painting.


I stood in front of my canvas, my hand moving in fluid strokes as I lost myself in the vibrant colors and emotions of my latest painting. The soft glow of the studio lights illuminated my work, casting shadows that danced across the room. I was so engrossed in my creative process that I barely noticed the gentle knock on the door frame.