Page 31 of Allure

I smiled at the sound of my wife’s name. She was so unique in every way, and I loved everything about her. I knew if my mom gave her a chance, she would really like her.

“She is good. She went back to teaching her art classes today. I know she is excited about that,” I mentioned.

My mother nodded and continued to move around the kitchen like a professional chef. I always thought if my mother wasn’t a stay-at-home mom, she would have been the dopest chef around. But my dad wasn’t going for any of that. He wanted her home.

“I love to hear that. You have to bring her here. I would love to get to know her better. How about this? Get her to invite her parents maybe for Saturday and we can have a family dinner? I’ll cook, of course,” she said over her shoulder with the biggest smile.

I couldn’t tell her no but I also couldn’t tell her yes because I didn’t know whether Lore’s parents had plans or even if she had something she wanted to do.

“I’m sure that would be cool, but let me check with Lore first and I’ll let you know,” I responded.

My mom smiled. “Good, you’re learning already.”

I shook my head as she placed muffins into the oven and then walked over to clean the countertop.

“So, I heard about what happened with your brother,” she mentioned.

I leaned back in my chair, waiting for her to finish her sentence.

“Kole knows he was dead wrong for doing what he did. Alexis told me all about it and I had a talk with your brother. I think he is lost in a way that even we don’t know. I think we might need to give him an intervention soon if he doesn’t clean it up. But do you think it might have been a little harsh, taking your key back?” she asked.

I chuckled for a minute because I knew she was getting to it, but was trying to get there slowly. I leaned forward and closed my eyes for a minute so I didn’t come off disrespectful. I never wanted to speak to my mother in any way that would be deemed as that.

“No, I don’t think it was harsh. You remember that time I took Pops’s car without his permission and then you took my license for a while as a punishment? This is the same thing, but he isn’t getting it back. I have a wife now and there is no reason anyone should be doing half of what he was in my place. My marriage is very new, and the news has been on my back since we’ve been back. If she was a social media kind of woman, she would have seen images of a woman leaving my house when I had previously told her I was going to my place to get clothes. Do you know how that would have looked?” I asked her.

I watched as the emotions she was going through played like a video over her face from remorse to anger, and finally, understanding.

“I get it, Niko, but don’t forget he is still your brother and you don’t toss your family to the side. We’re all we have—” She started, but I stopped her with a shake of my head.

“Not anymore. Y’all are not all I have anymore. I have a family. I am starting on my own and I am no longer giving passes to anyone. I’m not mad at him, but he has to earn my trust again. That was messed up.”

My mother nodded and turned to face the stove once again. I knew she wanted to say more, but there was no reason to. My mind was made up and there was no changing it because none of them would have allowed him to do the same shit to them. That was what was pissing me off. I stood from where I had been sitting, appetite just about gone now.

“Niko, don’t leave. I’m just trying to talk to you,” my mother said.

Before I could respond, my dad walked into the room. I remember when I felt he was larger than life, but the more time went by, the more he got smaller in my eyes. I hated that a man who was once my idol no longer held the same position.

Who the game or the life had made him was not the man I admired as a young boy. It sure as hell wasn’t who I wanted to be to my kids when I had them.

“I heard the news,” my father announced.

I lifted a brow in question.

“Don’t play games. You got offered double the amount for your contract. You definitely need to be ready to sign on. You would be crazy to leave all that money on the table, especially when clearly, you’re the breadwinner in your new situation,” he said while grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge.

I chuckled and stood from where I had been seated. That dinner for this weekend sounded less and less appetizing.

“I’m not even going to comment on that first thing. But my new situation? Are you talking about my wife? She’s not a situation,” I responded respectfully, but clear enough so he knew I wasn’t going for any bullshit.

“You’ve allowed this new mindset to make you sensitive and weak. We Lockwoods are strong and we stand by each other. Not to mention, we aren’t quitters.”

“Who said I was quitting? I am moving on to something else and planning to dominate in a new field. My mind nor heart is into football anymore and I would be crazy to accept a new position on money alone, all because it looks like I’ll be the breadwinner in my home, as you say. You don’t know my wife’s finances,” I said.

My father went to press forward and my mother stopped him.

“Reg, go cool off. Those were low-blow comments and Niko, calm down. We’re still your parents. We aren’t trying to make your new stage in your life small, we just want to understand, but if you keep pushing us away, how can we do that?” she asked.

I understood where she was coming from on some of it, but I meant everything I said. Alexis didn’t need to sit down with them and talk about Matthew’s finances. She didn’t have to go through half the shit they were trying to put me through, but I would keep those comments to myself.