Page 28 of Allure

“I figured. You give ‘hold me, baby’ vibes,” I joked.

“Man, get out of here.” He laughed.

“I’m just saying. But here goes the last icebreaker question. Why do you keep getting the fun, easy ones?” I asked with my lip poked out.

“It’s all in the cards, baby,” he responded with a shrug.

“I’m starting to think you rigged these. But, my card says, what’s your favorite band or musical artist?” I asked.

Niko leaned back lightly against the back of the chair. “Damn, I really love good music so this one is hard, baby. I have a top three. I can’t pick just one.”

I nodded, understanding his dilemma. “I can agree on needing more than just one.”

“Aight, so hands down, I love Babyface; the smoothest man around with the best music. He wrote some of the greatest songs to ever be sung. Next, my boy Chris Brown, and last, I love me some 2Pac, baby. Ain’t nothin’ like a gangsta party,” he sang with a dance.

I couldn’t help but join right in because I loved me some 2Pac too. Niko laughed.

“Give me your top three,” he said.

I placed my finger on the tip of my chin like I was thinking hard.

“Beyoncé, Chris Brown, and Tank. Those are my golden three all day. They can do no wrong and I will spend any amount of money to see them.”

“I can see that. We gon’ have to get us a few concerts under our belt together.”

“Absolutely, we have time,” I responded.

“I hope so. Aight, let’s go deep. What are the three most important traits you look for in a partner?”

“Good thing I had to think about this already with Arranged Hearts. But for sure, open-mindedness, a great sense of humor, and emotional maturity. I am happy to say, they nailed this with you, baby,” I told him.

“That’s what I like to hear. Gimme some,” he instructed, leaning forward for a kiss, which I obliged.

We went through a few more cards going from deep to deeper and finally making it to the activity cards. I hadn’t expected to enjoy this so much, but I was. It was my turn to pick the first activity card, so I went ahead.

“What does it say?” he asked.

“According to the card, it’s telling me to find something to draw with and put five minutes on the clock. We both have to draw each other and then we get to keep them. You down?” I asked.

Niko bunched up his imaginary sleeves. “Girl, you must haven’t heard about me. I do this.”

“Mhm. I’ll be right back,” I said and he laughed.

I went up to my art room to grab two sheets of paper and some markers since we weren’t in here trying to paint a picture, just draw something real quick. I also brought my timer down and set it up.

Once we had everything set up, we moved our empty containers of food to the side and placed our paper in front of us. I turned the timer on and we started to quickly draw each other. I thought of every quality of his that made him sexy to me. With five minutes, I didn’t have too much time to do more than the bare minimum.

By the time the timer went off, I announced we needed to drop our pencils and markers. Niko lifted his picture against his chest and peeked over at me.

“Aight, let me see yours first since you’re professional,” he said.

I flipped my picture around. It was a quick sketch of him but it was in the abstract sense. His locs were clear, his eyes, his smooth skin, his smile; you could tell it was him.

“That’s dope as hell. I’m putting this in my office at the crib. Now, don’t laugh when you see mine. It doesn’t look nothing like yours.”

I cupped my mouth to hold back my laughter that I knew would soon come and he knew it too. He flipped the picture over and he had my hair every which way, although it was long. My lips were super full in the picture.

“Uh, you did good, baby. But are my lips really that big?” I asked.