“That reminds me,” I told her, as I extended the small box with a ribbon out to Joy with a letter.
She took it and turned to lead us toward the groom’s lounge. The moment she turned to walk away, Kole's stupid ass watched her the whole way. I nudged him and shook my head. We silently argued the entire way to the room. She opened the door to reveal a room that almost looked like a man cave.
There was a cherry wood bar on one side of the room, a few chocolate-colored leather sofas, a few mirrors, and a bathroom. They even had a breakfast platter on the counter laid out. My stomach growled at the smell.
“We always know. Make sure you grab yourself a little something,” she said with a smile.
I shook my head. I continued to take in the room until I came across something wrapped in brown paper with a bow. I walked over to it, unable to stop myself because I knew this had to be the gift Joy was referring to. I was interested in anything that would give me a bit of an idea of what she was like.
“I’m going to leave you men to get ready. The assistant will be back when it’s time to get started. Also, relax. This day is special for you too,” Joy announced before making her way out of the room.
I picked up the gift and card, hung my suit up on one hook in the room, then made my way over to the couch to open the gift. Kole took a seat across from me, already eating a breakfast sandwich from the basket.
I looked at the wrapping and could smell her perfume attached to its fibers.
“Aye, you gon’ open it or not?” Kole asked.
I looked up and cocked my head to the side before returning my attention to the gift. I finally tore the wrappings from it and revealed a painting. It was one of the most dope ass paintings I had seen in my life. I placed it to the side and opened the letter.
Dear Husband,
Funny, right, a stranger calling you husband. But I have this feeling that I can’t explain that you’re exactly what I have been needing. I hope I will be the same for you. One promise I want to give you in writing is that I promise to listen more than I speak. I know things won’t be entirely seamless since we will be dating as husband and wife. But I also promise to wear my heart on my sleeve.
You chose to do this just like I did, so you deserve the best of me. I picked this song by Etta James called “At Last” but a band is playing for me to walk down the aisle to since I left the reception song to you. I think it wraps up how I feel and what I will do to make this marriage work. Dang, I got a little long-winded. My bad lol.
Anyway, I’ll be the one in lace.
-your wife (lipstick print.)
I couldn’t help but smile as I folded it up and put the letter back in the envelope. If I ever felt any bit of nervousness, it was gone. This letter almost sounded just like mine.
“What did it say?” Kole asked.
Before I could respond, Alexis walked in with Matthew behind her, but they didn’t close the door.
“None of your business, and Lex, close the door,” I told her.
“Boy, you better not close this door on your mother.”
I glanced back at the door to see my mom and dad standing there. I could tell she had lit into his ass because he looked like he didn’t want to be there. But, I didn’t give a damn. My mom was here, and that was all that mattered at this moment.
I walked over and wrapped my arms around her, then kissed her cheek.
“Niko, don’t go messing up my makeup. This took me a little time, and why aren’t you dressed yet?” she chastised, then questioned all in the same breath.
I smiled, unable to fix my lips to respond. They walked in and closed the door before making their way over to the couch.
“He too busy reading a letter his wife or, soon-to-be wife, sent him. She gave him a picture.” Kole pointed toward me, still eating my food.
I walked over to the platter and grabbed a sandwich before heading for the dressing room. I knew if I didn’t get at least one of these sandwiches, they would be gone before I got finished, messing with Kole. He was skinny as hell, but was always eating; it had always been that way since we were kids. I had to make sure I worked out or I would be all out of shape.
Once I got dressed, I came out of the room with my tie undone. I had yet to figure out this tie shit, but I figured if no one showed up, someone would help me. The moment I stepped out, my mother had a few tears sliding down her cheeks. My dad stood and made his way over to me, then started fixing my tie without a word. I knew this was his way of saying, I still think you’re making a mistake, but I can’t have you going out here looking bad. I took it as a semblance of peace.
Just as he finished my tie, a knock sounded at the door.
“Come in.”
The assistant peeked in with a smile. “It’s time.”