The week that followed was something close to the best Percy could remember. Their days were busy with farming, the nights were filled with pleasure and comfort.

It was warming up too, sunlight lasting a little longer. The wind still had some bite but spring was on the horizon. Newborn calves, baby chicks, and squealing piglets were a sure indicator.

Everyone’s mood was lifted it seemed.

Life at the farm was good. They didn’t have a lot right now, but with the seedlings almost big enough to go in the ground, soon they’d have an abundance of most things.

Elsie had plans for canning and pickling. Clara was always trying new ways to make meals go further, even though none of them could remember ever eating so well.

But the accounts ledger didn’t lie. If they wanted to survive next winter, they’d need a decent income this spring and summer, that was for sure.

Percy wasn’t even entirely sure how to bring it up or if he should.

“You and I will need to head down to Alpine Falls,” Albie said.

Percy was so caught up in his head, it was a surprise to hear. “Oh? Yes, of course.”

“We’ll need more flour soon. I’ll have Elsie and Clara make a list, and if the weather’s good tomorrow, we can go early. Stay the night,” he said, his gaze cutting to Percy’s. “Just us.”

Percy had to bite his bottom lip to stop from smiling so hard. “If you say so.” But then he took a sleeve of paper from the ledger and pushed the pencil toward him. “You can write the list.”

Albie rolled his eyes but he started to write. His handwriting wasn’t perfect, and he had to sound a few words out, but he was miles better than he used to be. It all came down to practice and repetition, and he was doing great.

He asked Elsie and Clara what they needed. Then he went out to the bunkhouse and asked Des and Robert. He came back in with quite a list, and so it was decided they’d head off in the morning.

Percy couldn’t wait.

He barely slept, tossing and turning with too much on his mind, and was up before Albie had even stirred.

He had their horses saddled and ready when Albie came out looking for him. His hair was rumpled and he was still pulling his coat on as he came into the stables. “Percy, what are you doing?”

“You can ride Ox. Minnie’s the pack horse. Sorry, sweetheart,” he said, giving her neck a pat.

“I know I said early,” Albie said, biting back a yawn. “But is this not too early?”

Percy was buzzing. “Is it ever too early? Let’s get into town. See what’s happening, see if there’s any news.”

“News about what?”

Percy did love being up here in the mountains away from it all, but they really were so far removed from the rest of the world. “News about anything. And I saw some boiled sweets in the store last time. They’ve got my name on them this time.” He gave Albie’s shoulder a clap. “Look alive, Albie.”

Des startled them with a laugh. “Yeah. Look alive, Albie.”

Percy was just glad he hadn’t said anything meant for private ears.

Albie rolled his eyes and sighed. “Can we at least have breakfast first?”

Percy took a second to consider that. “I suppose.” He left the horses tied up outside the stable. “I’ll go check the chickens and the piglets.”

“Just who’s in charge here,” Albie said.

“I don’t think you want anyone to answer that,” Des said, and when Percy turned around to laugh, he saw Des pat Albie on the back with a huge smile on his face.

Percy set about doing his chores, sat down for the quickest breakfast ever, and was bringing the horses over to the house when Albie was still giving Des and Robert instructions.

Not that they needed them.

Percy mounted Bandit and stopped short on clearing his throat to hurry Albie along.