Page 36 of A Sudden Romance

He crossed to the stove where the dredged chicken breasts simmered in the lemon-butter sauce on low heat. He’d made farm-fresh field spinach and other greens with strawberries. He’d kept the dressing, caramelized pecans, and feta cheese to the side in case they wanted to use them.

Reaching for the three dinner plates he’d stacked, he spread them out and ladled a spoonful of rice on each plate.

He breathed in the rich flavors of garlic and onion in the buttery sauce as he topped the dish with red and yellow peppers for color and elevation. Cooking is like art just as she said.

After adding chicken and broccoli to the plates, he pulled out the lemon slices from the fridge and arranged them artistically on each plate before topping the confection with sprigs of fresh rosemary from his planters in the kitchen.

Content with his creation, he walked back to the dining room with an empty tray to clear the salad plates. That contentment fled the moment he saw Grey leaning too close to Iris while telling her about a new TV show he’d be hosting in Australia.

Had the man moved his chair? His salad was barely touched, and he didn’t even notice Sabastian in the room until Fox swallowed and clanked the fork to his empty plate.

“If your other courses are as good as the salad, my mouth is already watering.”

“Thank you.” Sabastian approached Iris’s side, needing to put a stop to Grey flirting with his girl if that was what he was doing. If Iris is my girl.

“As usual, the salad was delicious.” Iris gave him a cursory glance before dabbing her rosebud lips with the cloth napkin.

He glanced at the big window, letting the curtain icicle lights distract him. “I’m glad you liked it.”

She handed him her plate, and he almost ignored the trail of heat roaming through his arm when their fingers brushed.

“That’s one of the best salads I’ve ever had.” Grey slid a fork through his salad. Porcelain clanked when he set the fork down. Then the guy elbowed Iris as if they’d known each for months. “You were right about your chef.”

Please! Give me a break. With Grey’s good looks and wealth, he was a man Iris would want to go out with.

“You should come with us the next time we’re tasting food in Boston.”

Iris tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear and winced. Was she interested in hanging out with this guy?

She’s mine, you horse face.

Clamping his lips together, Sabastian all but snatched the salad plate in front of Grey. He should’ve asked Iris out while he had the chance. Now the suave talker was luring her right in front of him.

“Where did you learn to cook, Sabastian?” Fox asked, and somehow, Sabastian kept his tone cordial and told him about his culinary school, though they’d covered his schooling during the virtual interview.

“How many years have you been a chef?” Fox must have forgotten that he and Grey asked the same question online already.

“A little over twelve years.” He didn’t feel like answering while he needed to get this lunch done with and usher the men out—ASAP.

When he carried the food tray and set the plates down, he didn’t intend to put Grey’s plate down so fast. The sauce splashed, almost spilling on the linen.

“Sorry,” he mumbled, not meaning it, but he set Iris’s plate down gently. He then stood to the side and folded his arms in front of him. “For lunch, you’re having chicken piccata with lemon-garlic-herb rice and broccoli.” His gaze roamed to Iris, and she bit her lower lip, then fumbled with her earrings.

“Enjoy.” He bowed before leaving the room.

He was on his best behavior later when he served dessert. He even managed to force a smile as they raved about his chicken.

That didn’t mean he was okay with Grey asking Iris personal questions about her dating life. Seriously, Grey wasn’t professional at all. The man didn’t let Fox put in a word edgewise.

By the time they said goodbye, Sabastian’s panic had flared into full-on anxiety. He didn’t care if he got their approval or not. He was more than capable of finding his own job.

“That food was wonderful.” Fox shook Sabastian’s hand when they stopped on the rug below the chandelier. As if they stood in an enchanted snow globe, snowflake string lights dangled and twinkled above them from the vaulted ceiling.

“I’ll email you some forms for you to fill in.” Fox then turned to Grey and called his name.

Grey, standing with Iris behind them, paused from typing something on his phone to look at Fox.

“What else do we need from Sabastian?”