Page 2 of A Sudden Romance

“Will it look bad if I skip the reunion?”

Iris frowned. “I thought your manager cleared your schedule for two weeks. I’d hoped you’d be in charge of sledding.”

“Since when do the organizers delegate tasks?”

“Organizing the reunion means running the event your way. Plus, it’ll be more fun when everyone is responsible for something.”

Julia’s groan sounded through the phone. “Kane wants me to meet his family that week and the week after. I just...”

Months ago, after Iris decided on the reunion dates, she’d called all her family members asking them to save the date before other obligations came up. “Did you tell Kane you have a family reunion? You can even invite him.”

“I can’t bring him home yet.”

Julia first mentioned Kane four months ago. But was she in love or terrified to be single now that she’d passed her mid thirties?

“Anyway, he’s only off those two weeks.”

Iris hadn’t expected everyone to make it, but... “After everyone agreed, I’ve been hoping the entire family could come home.” She closed her eyes and rocked her head against the headrest. “If not for the reunion, then at least to celebrate Christmas together. Can you come for two days? Or even just Christmas?”

Julia huffed through the phone. “We just reconciled from a big fight, and right now, I don’t feel like—”

“So you’re stepping on eggshells.” Iris sat up straight again. “Not exactly the best way to start a relationship. You guys have only been going out for like five months, and he already—”

“I don’t expect you to understand why I’m bending over,” Julia snapped. “Some of us are not so particular when it comes to finding and keeping Mr. Right.”

Seven years older than Iris, Julia sometimes let their conversations veer into arguments. Now, her mirthless laugh hinted at judgment. “You’re still holding out for sparks and a man who will sweep you off your feet. Puh–lease!” Julia’s snort slammed Iris’s gut like a sucker punch. “Like such a thing exists. I live in reality. You cannot imagine the compromises one makes with her art and expectations in the music industry. It’s no different in real life. You have to be realistic and give up some of the dreams and fantasy. My job’s not like yours, Baby Sis, out there building modern-day castles and daydreaming of modern-day princes. But, hey, I might listen to you if you’ve dated someone for even two months.”

“I’ve dated longer than that.” Hadn’t she?

“Yeah right. Besides Mr. Perfect you had for almost a year after graduation, it seems steady hasn’t been your thing.”

“I have my reasons.” Reasons Julia wouldn’t understand if she didn’t believe in true love.

“I thought the attorney was the one, but I can’t even remember what excuse you had for ending things with him.”

“He wanted a business partner.” Iris rubbed the sudden tightness at the back of her neck. Why did it always come down to defending herself before her siblings? “I’m not a lawyer.”

“What about the electrician?”

“He was always complaining that I make more than him.”

“Ugh, the control freak. Okay, I’ll give you that. It sucks to have a guy feel threatened by your job. What about that guy who promised you the moon?”

Iris rolled her eyes as if Julia could see her. “So he was a bit, um, eccentric for my tastes. I couldn’t sit through another conversation of marionettes?” The way he couldn’t stop talking about his collection creeped her out, and a part of her began to feel like he thought she was one of his puppets.

“Look, I’m not interested in discussing my dicey dating life.” How did the topic turn to her? “We’re discussing your sudden decision not to come to the reunion. What’s really going on, Sis?”

Julia seemed to have many reasons why she didn’t want to come home. Iris couldn’t say or do anything to convince her otherwise, but Mom and Dad would be disappointed not to see one of their kids.

Time to get this back on track. “Does anyone else know that you’re not coming?”

“That’s why I called you. Don’t tell anyone I’m meeting Kane’s parents.”

“Why not?”

“Isn’t that obvious?” Julia’s voice rose in pitch. “Seriously, Baby Sis, in case things don’t work out, I’d rather not have to explain to everyone.”

Iris rubbed the tight points at her temples. How she hated it when Julia took on that tone. “What will you tell Mom when she calls you this week?”