Page 98 of Ivory Oath

I hum in agreement, nodding along even though I want to elbow him in the ribs. “That’s great, Mikhail. I slept well, too.”

“Viviana.” He repeats my name again, lower this time. “Don’t do this.”

I turn to face him. My hands are shaking so badly I have to leave my coffee on the counter. I don’t want to spill it on my shirt. “I’m not doing anything, Mikhail.”

He pointedly looks me up and down. “Then what’s this?”

“It’s not a stunt to get your attention, that’s for sure.”

“Well, you’ve got my attention anyway. What the fuck is this about?”

I sigh. “I want to go back to work.”


“You can’t just dismiss me like that. I’m your wife. We are in this together.”

“You are my wife,” he agrees. “And I’m not going to let my wife die in this war because she wanted to get paid by the hour to make copies and schedule meetings.”

“Don’t dismiss what I do! Don’t act like it means nothing.”

“But it does mean nothing.” He cradles my cheek in his hand, stepping closer so I have to tip my head back to take in all of him. “Everything means nothing compared to you. You are the only thing that matters to me, Viviana. Keeping you safe is more important than anything else.”

My heart cracks open at the tenderness in his voice, but I steel myself. I knew there was a real risk I would cave to his warm hands and soft lips and deep voice. God knows I’ve caved more than enough times already.

That’s why I practiced this. I press my shoulders back and repeat the line I prepared. “If you won’t let me work at Cerberus, then I’ll apply for a job somewhere else.”

His hand drops to his side. His eyes narrow. “Not without my permission.”

“You’re my husband, not my prison warden. I don’t need your permission.” I reach for his hand, stroking my thumb over his thick wrist. “You can’t force me to stay home, Mikhail.”

He looks down at where I’m touching him. For a second, I think he might be ready to compromise.

Then he raises my arm over my head, bends low, and tosses me over his shoulder like I’m a fresh kill, like the deer from the woods. He might as well bind my hands and legs and drag me across the floor toward the clean-up shed.

“Put me down!” I pound my fists on his back all the way up the stairs and down the hall, but it’s about as worthwhile as punching a concrete wall. Feels about the same, too. My hand is throbbing, but he doesn’t even have the decency to pretend I’m hurting him. “Mikhail, put me?—”

He drops me unceremoniously on the bed. My old bed, I realize as I fall face first into a comforter that doesn’t smell anything like Mikhail.

I felt powerful when I put this outfit on this morning, but now, it’s twisted around my waist and rumpled. I feel like a newborn giraffe taking its first steps as I scramble to the edge of the bed.

“What in the hell was that for?”

“I can’t trust you to do the smart thing, so I’m doing it for you.”

I gape. “You’re locking me in here?”

“You aren’t giving me another choice.”

“You have a million choices. You live a blessed life where every choice is yours—even other people’s!”

He rolls his eyes and I take the opportunity to lunge for the door.

Mikhail catches me around the waist easily and slings me back on the bed.

“You have guards all over this house,” I remind him. “You don’t need to lock me up in one room to keep me here.”

“I know you better than anyone, Viviana.” He curls a finger under my chin. I swat him away and the asshole just smirks. “Which is why you and I both know I absolutely need to lock you in this room if there’s any chance you’ll behave today.”