“This little one has gotten bigger since I last saw it,” Dr. Rossi coos warmly. He zooms in, isolating a small flutter on the screen. A rhythmic whooshing sound fills the air. “Listen to that heartbeat! It’s beautiful. Very strong.”
Viviana reaches out and grabs my hand. “The baby is okay?”
“It’s perfect,” I answer under my breath.
I can’t take my eyes away from the screen. We made that.
I felt the same way the first time I saw Anzhelina. I’ve been responsible for taking a lot of people out of this world. It’s a new experience bringing them into it.
Dr. Rossi chuckles. “That’s right. You weren’t at the first scan. This is Dad’s first time seeing the baby.”
I turn to him. “Is Viviana okay?”
“As far as I can see, everything is fine.”
“Why would she be bleeding if she’s fine?”
“It won’t do a lot to make you feel better, but as much as science has figured out about the human body, it’s still a mystery.”
“You’re right. That doesn’t make me feel better at all,” I drawl.
Dr. Rossi thinks for a second. Then he snaps his fingers and reaches for Viviana’s chart. “I have something that might make you feel better: the results of the NIPT test.”
“Does that mean it’s good news?” Viviana asks.
“It’s great news. Your baby didn’t test positive for any of the chromosomal disorders we tested for. It also means I know the sex.” Dr. Rossi wags a brow. “If you want to know.”
Viviana tugs on my hand. Her green eyes are hopeful. “Do we want to know?”
“Do you?”
She chews on her lip. “It would make it easier to buy clothes and paint the nursery.”
I almost forgot about a nursery. Alyona planned Anzhelina’s down to the most asinine detail. I told her it was certifiable to commission art for a newborn’s walls, but she insisted. And I let her. I was busy with work, anyway. Preparing the nursery gave Alyona something to do.
Now, Viviana and I will do that together.
Fucking hell, we are having a baby. Not a six-year-old who comes barreling into my life already walking and talking, but a baby. A helpless, tiny baby.
My track record with those isn’t great.
Viviana shakes my fingers, bringing me back to the moment. “Well?”
I swallow down the bitter thoughts and turn to Dr. Rossi. “Might as well find out.”
He checks the chart one last time to confirm the result. “Congratulations, you two, on your healthy baby girl.”
“A girl!” Viviana squeals, clapping her hands over her mouth. “Dante is going to have a little sister.”
“We’re going to have a daughter.”
Another baby girl. I smile and hug Viviana, but the news drops like a stone in my stomach.
I’m happy. Really, I am. I want this.
I wanted it ten years ago, too.
When I lost Anzhelina, I swore I’d never have another family. There wasn’t a choice with Dante. But this… This is a choice.