Page 70 of Ivory Ashes

“What about dates?”

“Hazy, elusive things. If I focus really hard, I can almost remember what it felt like to have a social life. But it’s been a long time. Actually, this is—” I grip the railing.

“This is what?” Mikhail’s elbow brushes against my arm. Several layers of clothing separate us, but I swear I feel his heat radiate through my bones.

“This is the closest thing I’ve had to a date in as long as I can remember.” As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I wince. “That sounded even more pathetic out loud than it did in my head. Which is saying something, because it sounded really pathetic in my head.”

To my surprise, Mikhail laughs, and the sound sends warmth pooling low in my belly. The same way it did last night before our almost-kiss in the kitchen. Mikhail is stingy with his smiles and it only makes me want to gather them up and hoard them.

“It’s not like you’re hideous,” Mikhail says. “Men must have asked you out.”

“Wow. ‘Not hideous.’ If I was still on the market, that would be my profile on every dating app. What a rave review,” I bite out sarcastically.

His hand whispers over my lower back again, drawing closer than we’ve been all night. “You know I like what I see. I’ve never denied that.”

The night he bent me over the side of the bed and spanked me flashes in my mind. I saw his erection and accused him of liking it.

Am I supposed to deny it?

My face flames and words tumble out just to distract myself. “Actually, the morning I went to work and found you there instead of my boss, my neighbor had asked me out for dinner.” I frown. “He’s probably wondering what happened to us.”

“Did you accept his offer?” Mikhail slides his hand possessively to my hip and I’ve never been more aware of my body.

“Yes, but…”

But I haven’t thought about him even once since I walked away from him.

Not the way I’ve thought about you.

“But what?” Mikhail presses.

I flail for something to say. “But Tommy was a Capricorn. It probably wouldn’t have worked out.”

“Please don’t tell me you put your faith in the stars.”

I shrug. “The stars told me Trofim and I wouldn’t be a good match. They were definitely right about that.”

“The stars didn’t need to tell you that,” Mikhail snorts. “I was born at the end of September. What does that tell you about me?”

“You’re a Libra. Libras are all about—” I inhale sharply. Mikhail’s hand feels like a brand on my hip. “Balance,” I choke out. “Libras are represented by the scales.”

Mikhail turns to me, eyebrow arched. “Why does me being a Libra make you look like you want to jump over the ledge? I don’t know a thing about astrology. Are Libras serial killers or something?”

In the case of this particular Libra: probably.

But bizarrely, that isn’t what has my heart racing.

I paste on a smile. “It’s stupid, but my horoscope this morning… It said I’m on the brink of finding new balance in my life.”

Mikhail turns to me. I’m not sure how it happened, but instead of looking down at the view, I’m looking up at him. His skin is gold in the candlelight. The breeze brushes his dark hair away from his face.

“Is that all it said?” His voice is a tempting rumble that I feel in my toes. I’m surprised it doesn’t shake the building. It should register on some Richter scale somewhere.

I lick my lips. “No.”

His hand tightens around my lower back, pulling me closer. “What else did it say, Viviana?”

“It said I’m on the brink of finding new balance in my life… and I should embrace it.”