“Pick a body part,” I repeat coolly. “Something to remember your date by.”
Acoustic folk music pumps through the speakers. The sound of coffee grinders and chatting customers carries on. But it all feels worlds away.
This close to Viviana, I can smell sweet vanilla floating off of her skin. I want to take a bite.
“Margaret?” The man across from her doesn’t even know her real fucking name. Pathetic. “Do you know this?—”
“If you don’t pick, I will,” I whisper, cutting him off. “I’ll choose his tongue if he doesn’t shut up.”
Viviana turns to me slowly. “We’re just friends.”
“You’re about to have a preserved reminder of your friend you can keep on your shelf. I’ll start a collection for you.” I trail my finger down her neck, watching as goosebumps bloom across her skin. “Any hand that touches you, I’ll sever it. Any lips, teeth… Anything else…”
“We’re just friends!” she insists, swiping my hand away from her neck.
The man across the tables leans forward. “It doesn’t look like Margaret wants you here, man. Maybe you should?—”
“Sit down, Tommy,” Viviana orders. Her eyes never stray from mine. “This is my husband.”
The poor sap across from her sinks down in his chair. “You’re actually married? I thought…”
I want to kill him for the disappointment in his voice alone. Whatever he told her, he isn’t here because he’s her friend. He wants more.
Of course he does.
“You didn’t tell him?” I arch a brow. “Interesting. Seems like something a friend would know, Margaret.”
“I told him I was married, but I failed to mention that you were a domineering psychopath.” She juts her chin out, challenging me.
I grab it and slide closer to her. The room around us fades as I smell the hazelnut on her breath. I could lean forward and taste it right now. Taste her.
Claim her.
“Your mistake,” I growl instead. “If you want your friend to live, you’ll get up and come home with me. Now.”
Viviana rolls her eyes, but I can feel her trembling. Her pupils are blown wide. Her cheeks are flushed. She pulls her chin out of my hand and turns to her date. “I have to go, Tommy. I’m glad we got to catch up.”
“Oh. Yeah, I—Me, too,” he fumbles.
Then he lets me wrap an arm around Viviana’s waist and lead her out of the shop without a word.
“Your date didn’t even fight for you,” I tell her once we’re on the sidewalk. “He let you leave with me.”
She jerks away from me and storms towards the car. “He didn’t ‘let me’ do anything. I make my own choices.”
She tries to wrench open the car door, but it’s locked. I reach around her body and open it for her. I trace my eyes down the long line of her leg as she climbs into the passenger seat in her skirt.
“For his sake, I’m glad you chose correctly.”
I close the door on her scowl and walk around the car. My cock is aching against my zipper. It’s a miracle I don’t turn around and sever her coward of a neighbor’s head from his shoulders. Viviana may think they’re just friends, but that’s because she has no fucking clue the effect she has on men. The effect she has on me.
He wanted her.
And I want to kill him for even the thought.
Instead, I start the car and slam on the gas.
“If you were worried about my safety, you wouldn’t be speeding through traffic right now,” she bites out.