Page 32 of The Kingdom of Ruin

Pinching the bridge of my nose, I try to gather myself before I look back at him. “Are you always this exasperating?”

“Yes, he is,” Kryll confirms. Although, when I turn to him, he’s not looking my way.

Reluctantly, I glance back to Brody, who is wiggling his eyebrows at me suggestively. I’m going to need more than strength to handle this guy. Shaking him off is going to be harder than expected.

Pushing against his arm, he doesn’t budge. “I’m trying to focus,” I state, keeping my voice as light and airy as possible to come across as nice as I can, but it doesn’t seem to register with him.

“Me too, but the direction of our attention just seems to be a little different.”

Turning to face him—like, really face him—I give him a pointed look. “What is it going to take for you to leave me alone? Being here is important to me, and you’re more than a handful at this point.”

His smile widens as though he’s pleased with the assessment and I immediately regret asking.

“Friday night. You, me, my dick. I’m a hit ‘em and quit ‘em kind of guy. Let me in and I’ll be straight out of your system in no time. You’re just not allowed to be upset when I come down firm on the fact that there’ll be no round two.”

He means it. He means every damn word, and I’m left wondering what my life has come to.

Leaning back, I shake my head. “Not happening,” I grumble, focusing on the sage and lavender in my hands as he leans in and whispers in my ear.

“It’s so happening.”



Iflop down on my bed with a sigh full of relief and bewilderment. I don’t know how I’ve made it to the end of the week, but it’s here, and I’m living for it. Classes have been easy enough, and the professors are focused on getting us comfortable and settled before we start taking on bigger challenges.

We haven’t had combat at all this week. They’re saving that for Monday, and I’m excited about it.

I make a mental note to get some exercise in this weekend in preparation. I don’t want to walk into class lacking when I know I was made for it. On the ranch, my father would put me through my paces without the watchful gaze of others, but I’m more than ready to rise to the occasion now that there is a crowd.

I’ve managed to keep my head down and avert Raiden’s deathly stare, meaning no more power struggles or unnecessary arguments since he whisked me away and pinned me to a tree. Kryll has offered me a knowing smirk here and there but has otherwise kept to himself, while Cassian is too busy frowning at the ground as if the world rests on his shoulders, not noticing anything or anyone around him.

Even Brody has been…surprisingly quiet. My gut tells me that Raiden has reiterated his thoughts on me and the mage has fallen in line. It’s a relief to have no distractions in class, but there’s a part of me, a teeny, tiny part, that misses his playfulness and our interactions.

But that would be stupid, so I squash the thoughts instantly.

I didn’t want any distractions. That’s how I’m going to survive this place and make my claim as heir of the new kingdom.

Sitting, I cross my legs and glance at the sage and lavender still on my desk. I need to put my wards in place. I’ve known how to do it for a few days now, but something has been holding me back. I don’t know whether it’s the fear of it not working as it’s supposed to or because I don’t want to give myself a strong ward to allow me to let my guard down and relax here.

As much as I want to be here, it’s not my first choice for getting the heir’s crown. Once I can get the ward to work and allow my mind to relax a little, I’m sure I’ll be more accepting of everything set out before me.

My eyes drift closed and flashes of Nora and my father appear on the back of my eyelids. If they were here now, I can picture the pointed looks from my dad and snickers from Nora as he berated me for letting my thoughts and feelings get the better of me.

The wards are necessary; not just for me to even consider letting my guard down, but also to protect me when I am most vulnerable.

Opening my eyes, I rise from the bed and swiftly grab the sage and lavender. Striking a match from the pack Professor Morgan gave us, I set it to the tips of both herbs and let the smell slowly fill the air. I dance the smoke around as instructed, walking the full length of my room from wall to wall, even clambering over my bed in a hurry to ensure there’s not a spot missed.

I come to a stop by the window and repeat the words out loud as we practiced.

“Me incolumem serva, me his moenia serva.”

“Me incolumem serva, me his moenia serva.”

“Me incolumem serva, me his moenia serva.”

“Me incolumem serva, me his moenia serva.”