I spin my head his way, noting the smirk touching the corner of his lips.
“That feels like an understatement,” I grumble before straightening in my seat and focusing ahead for what I hope is the last time. “Thanks for the offer, but I’m good.”
My pulse quickens and I hope like hell he’ll take the hint and leave me be. I’m barely ten minutes into the day and he’s already banging at the walls I’ve spent all night putting in place.
“Do I need to channel my inner Raiden and say, ‘It’s not a question or an offer. I’m taking you out on Friday night. Be ready at seven’? Because I can totally do that if that’s what you’re into.”
“Okay, class, welcome to history.” The professor interrupts the retort on my tongue and I can’t decide whether I’m relieved or irritated by it. “Since we got introductions out of the way yesterday, we’re going to dive head-first into our history today. An overview of the old kingdom will set the foundation, then we can begin to dissect everything in more detail before we move on to other sectors of the history of the origins,” she rambles, completely unaware of the situation she’s defusing.
Relaxing back in my seat, I focus on her words, startled for a moment that we did indeed have this class yesterday afternoon, but I was too stuck inside my head to recall. Thankfully, it doesn’t seem like she covered anything important. So as long as I can focus now, I should be good.
Welcoming the focus of the whole reason we’re here, I give the professor my utmost attention, even though I can’t remember her damn name. She turns to gather something from the drawer in her desk and I feel Brody’s knee press against mine.
Don’t react. Don’t react. Don’t react.
If I pull away, I’m sure he’ll just follow, and it feels like a reaction nonetheless to this insane mage. But if I leave it there, is he going to get other ideas? No way. I’d slice his dick off and hand feed it to him if he tried to put it anywhere near me without my permission.
No, Addi. There will be no permission. Ever.
“How’s her heart rate, K?” Brody whispers, leaning forward to talk around me while I remain rigid in place.
“It’s high, but I can’t tell if it’s because she wants to hit you or Raiden. It’s slightly amusing, I’m not going to lie.”
The shifter has humor. Who knew? I almost want to high-five him, pat him on the back with a big thank you, but that’s still against the mantra. So, instead, I do nothing. That includes not moving my leg. If I pretend he doesn’t exist, he’ll get bored and go away eventually.
Then I can bask in the serene peace and quiet that it will come with.
The professor slams the drawer shut with a thud, regaining my attention as she shuffles the papers in her hands. “I’m sure you will use electronics in all of your other classes, but this won’t be one of them. There is no better way to record the past than with first-hand accounts in the form of pen and paper.” She waves the papers in her hand with a prideful smile on her face as the class groans in protest. “Hush yourselves,” she grumbles, disregarding the complaints as she perches herself on the edge of her desk, casting her eyes over everyone in attendance.
She flicks through a few pages, smiling when she finds the one she wants before she nods and reads out the details. “King August Reagan was our last king and leader of the Floodborn Kingdom.”
My heart stills as I realize quickly that we’re likely going to spend the entire class going over the pain inflicted on the fae people, but from the perspective that they were the villains in the entire story.
Gut clenching, I instantly wish I could find a distraction right about now.
“King Reagan was considered a mighty leader. Fair, kind, and approachable. While cut-throat, deadly, and relentless when necessary.”
That sounds like a decent assessment. It’s one I would be impressed with if it was said about me.
“Except for when it came to getting his dick wet,” someone says with a chuckle, and murmured laughs echo around the room. I don’t laugh. Nor do any of the other fae, and to my surprise, I don’t see a glimpse of a smirk on Brody or Kryll’s faces either.
“Thank you for your insight…” The professor looks to the student who commented. They’re sitting in the row behind me to my left, but I refuse to turn around and look. He doesn’t deserve any kind of acknowledgment from me.
“I’m Ross.” He says it proudly, and I bet with all that I am that he’s a fucking vampire, but I still refuse to turn and look. Although, the sound reminds me of the guy who made a point of shoving into me as he came to Vallie’s aid the other day.
“Well, Ross. In the future, keep your mouth shut.” Her snarl is surprising, and when I actually choose to pay more attention, I notice her pointed ears.
She’s fae. Like me.
Clearing her throat, she places the papers on the table beside her before lacing her fingers together and looking at everyone. “Love is a fickle thing. It affects many. Painful, heartwarming, disastrous, breathtaking, toxic, and all-consuming. There are always two sides to any coin. How many of you here think love is beautiful?” Her eyes scan the room as she counts the very few hands lifted in the air. I’m not surprised to see Vallie’s hand raised high, along with a few of her friends and only one guy. “And who believes love is pointless?”
I lift my hand, as do many others in the room, especially the other fae. We’ve seen the disaster it causes, the heartache and pain. It’s etched into our history, ensuring we never forget it.
“Don’t worry, Cupcake. I don’t have to love you to fuck you. You’re good,” Brody whispers, and I don’t know whether to laugh at his bullshit or punch him in the face. Somehow, I decide on neither, secretly proud of myself when I offer him no response at all.