My eyes fix on his as the world settles around us, and before I can take a confident step back, he leans in and presses his lips against mine in a ghost of a kiss. He’s gone too quickly, putting a large step between us as I find Raiden, Brody, and Kryll waiting by the tree to our left.
I can hear the sound of music in the distance, but it seems as though there’s a little distance between us and the party. Thank goodness.
Raiden is dressed head to toe in a navy suit tailored to perfection with a pristine white shirt underneath. He’s forgone the tie and his top button is open. The way the moon beams down on him, he looks even more sinister than usual.
Brody stands beside him, his usual grin in place as he winks at me. He’s wearing stone-colored chino pants and a white polo top. He looks so casual and put together—nothing like a mage walking onto wolves’ land.
Kryll, however, almost looks like he could fit in. Maybe it’s the shifter in him. Not that I know what he is, except for the fact that he mentioned wings. He’s dressed in a fitted white tee and black jeans with unlaced leather boots. The tattoos that cover his body look darker in contrast to the white top, and his auburn hair looks almost brown beneath the dark sky.
I don’t know what brought the four of these guys together, but here they are, and I seem to have found myself tangled in the middle of it.
“Are you ready to dance, Dagger?” Brody asks, sauntering toward me with a grin on his face. Before I can answer, his arm is around my shoulder, pulling me toward the noise in the distance.
“Dancing, not really, but I’m ready for someone to give me a hint as to what we’re walking into. Who I should be on the lookout for, who I should avoid at all costs, who is safe to breathe around,” I ramble, looking up at him with pleading eyes, and I don’t even care if it makes me look weak. I need the facts however I can get them.
He frowns down at me. “That’s what Cassian was supposed to be telling you. That’s why he came to get you and we met you here.” He looks at me expectantly before glancing at the wolf in question. He puts two and two together and quickly gets four. “Fuck. Now I’m jealous.”
My cheeks heat and I’m thankful for the night air hiding it from him.
“You two were fucking? Again?” Raiden grunts, and I refuse to glance back at him to see the disapproval that undoubtedly matches his tone.
“Fuck off, asshole,” Cassian grunts, while Kryll appears at my right side.
“The low down is, Cassian’s father is…there’s nothing more accurate than calling him a cunt.” I cringe at the word, but no one disregards his assessment. “Stay away from him at all costs. I know that’s why we’re here, but even Raiden won’t leave you alone in his presence.” A few beats pass and Raiden doesn’t correct him, which fills me with a little bit of hope.
“Who else is off limits?” I ask, my body relaxing under Brody’s guiding arm.
“Dalton. Kenner’s right hand man. He’s worse than the rest. Ruthless, brutal, and will kill you first and reap the consequences after.” Great. Sounds like a nice guy. “You’re safest with Janie or Jake. I’m assuming you met Janie at the diner?” I nod. “Good, her and her husband love Cassian, which will extend to you unconditionally.”
I open my mouth to correct him on the situation, but Brody squeezes my arm. “Winning the duel matters more than your origin or any other factor that could make them hate you. That’s why she called Cassian the moment we sat down. That was all completely my fault, and she ensured you were safe before you won the duel. Now, her respect for you will have only grown.”
I nod, not really sure what to say while my thoughts swirl with the entire situation, leaving me feeling a bit helpless. I want to say I’d rather not be here, I want to confirm that I don’t ever want to cross paths with Cassian’s father, but more than that, I don’t want some victory of a duel to gain me things I have no business receiving.
The music gets louder as mellow lights illuminate the trees, revealing a huge gathering of people dancing and laughing along with the music as they clink their beer bottles and move to the beat. The energy quickly shifts around me and trepidation clings to my limbs.
Everyone seems familiar with one another, all touchy-feely, as wolves are known for being, until their eyes find me and their joy falters.
Cassian silently steps forward, semi-blocking me from view as Janie approaches. She wraps her arms around Cassian’s neck, murmuring into his ear. He nods and she walks around him to stop in front of me.
“It’s good to see you again. I didn’t really introduce myself properly last time. I’m Janie.” She offers out her hand and I take it, but instead of shaking it, she pulls me from Brody’s grasp and into a hug.
“Be careful of my daggers,” I yelp, and she chuckles in my ears.
“I’m good, but the heads up from you earns a little more respect from me,” she states. “Now, are you going to introduce yourself or leave me guessing?” she muses, leaning back and releasing me from her hold.
“Addi. I’m Addi.”
“Nice to meet you. Do me a favor, yeah?” I nod, and she smiles. “Stay at Cassian’s side, okay?”
Great. The concern for me is extending past the small group I’m here with. It’s appreciated, but it doesn’t leave me feeling any safer here.
“When was the last time you ate?” she asks, looping her arm through mine as she pulls me toward the barbeque set up in the far corner.
“Oh, I’m not really hungry,” I insist, and she shakes her head.
“That will just show them that you’re nervous, Addi. You’ve got to walk in here exuding that confidence you were bathing in when you took down Leticia,” she murmurs against my ear. My gaze darts around the space, and I find a large percentage of the crowd watching my every move.
Fuck, she’s right.