A horn blares in the distance, pulling me from my thoughts, and I glare at the source of the sound. Amidst the traditional stalls, pretty fountain, and clock tower, revs a sports car. Not just any sports car, a flashy red one, worth more money than I can consider, with music blaring.

It didn’t used to be like this.

Once upon a time, history says that the Floodborn Kingdom was home to the fae. Filled with wonder and a simple life. It has since been tainted by everyone else who chooses to walk the kingdom. The City of Harrows is the focal point, drawing everyone in, with the castle still perched heart-achingly high upon the hilltop in the distance. Uninhabited and darkening with every passing day.

Now, people of all kinds walk these streets; a fact I believe makes it a better place. Except for the damn vampires and their excessive lifestyle. They drive me insane whether they try to or not, and no matter what I do, no matter how hard I try to remain level-headed, considerate, and controlled, it means nothing when they’re around.

People part ways for the sports car to get through. Nobody is really grumbling, despite the clear inconvenience it causes. My eyes narrow as I watch it slip under the arch and speed off, heading in the same direction as everyone else.

The sea of people regathers once it’s gone, and it blows my mind how seamless everything becomes once again. I try to focus on a few people, attempting to guess what they are and where they come from, but it’s not easy in this kind of setting.

A fact I’m certain will change once I reach my destination.

Status is going to mean everything, and I know I’ll be in the minority. I’m prepared for that. I’m more than expecting it. I just need to remember my breathing exercises to keep a handle on my emotions.

“I think it will either be a vampire or a wolf that ascends the throne,” the fruit stall owner states, making me purse my lips in distaste.

He can think whatever the hell he pleases, but that doesn’t mean it’s going to be the truth. Pushing off the wall, my hands ball into fists as I trudge behind the remaining stalls, the spike of determination back in my steps as the bell chimes from across the square.

Dammit. I’m definitely late.



Ibarrel ahead with less finesse and care than moments earlier, shouldering past someone as I move under the archway, my steps faltering as my destination comes into view. Even among the hoards of people approaching, it still captures my attention, stealing my breath without any preemptive thought.

I wet my dry lips, failing to add any moisture as the new addition to the Floodborn Kingdom stands tall and proud. The narrow bridge connects the main city walls to a floating island. The thought of it sounds wondrous and magical, but the jagged roofs and endless turrets tell a different story.

Keeping to the left, I take a deep breath and trudge forward with my head bowed and gaze aimed at my feet as I try to remain as invisible as possible.

Adrenaline courses through my veins the closer I get. It’s daunting as hell. This is everything I’ve been building up to. This is the moment everything begins to change. I’ve waited so long it doesn’t even seem real.

The wind whips wildly around me as I dart over the bridge, the grip on my hood tightening. All it does is fuel the excitement coursing through me, hurrying my steps before I barge into the courtyard.

I find a small nook along the wall and tuck myself away as I take a moment to stare up at my future.

Heir Academy.

Gulping, I let those two words repeat in my mind as I absorb my new reality, manifesting everything that will follow. With every breath, I solidify the fact that I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be.

“Entrants, please make your way onto the grounds; proceedings are about to begin.”

A buzz zings down my spine, encouraging me to put one foot in front of the other as I follow the other attendants. Guards stand between the pillars, keeping a watchful eye on the bodies, and I think I’ve managed to slip past unnoticed until a hand clasps around my upper arm, halting me in place.

“No hoods,” he grunts, yanking mine down before I can even consider a response, and I glare up at him. His eyes narrow, his grip tightening around my arm, bringing me so close to the brink of responding rashly before someone else gains his attention.

“Gray, come and look at this.”

He dismisses me without a second glance, shoving me through the passage before offering me his back.

My lips purse as I clench my fists at my sides, counting down from ten as I take deep breaths. Once my mood seems a little more under control, I run my fingers through my hair, tucking the loose curls behind my ear before turning to rejoin everyone.

I feel exposed without my hood up. I’ve never walked a step in the City of Harrows without it, and although I knew it was coming, I wasn’t ready for the rawness of it. It’s a safety blanket I’ve grown accustomed to; a fact that instantly irritates me and only confirms that I won’t be wearing it any longer.

The space grows wide, filled with bodies, and I instantly acknowledge the groups. It’s not purposeful, but we’re drawn to our own kind. Always. I keep to the side of the large square enclosure, opting to stand in the spot where the sun beats down as I take everyone in.

The gathered attendants to the far right stand tall and proud. A level of righteousness seeps from them, exposing the natural superiority that oozes from them effortlessly, making my lip curl in distaste. They’re draped in luxury, dressed in designer clothes, with flashy gadgets and an air of regalness.