“And yet you brought me here,” Theo whispered.

“I knew you would be strong enough, that was not in question,” Baku replied. He shifted slightly so that Theo was pulled a little bit closer to him. “I watched you fighting the nightmares, and I knew that you were brave and resourceful.”

“You watched me?”

“And knew then that requesting your help was the right thing to do even if it did mean putting you in more danger.”

“What do you need from me, Baku?” Theo asked. “Why am I here?”

“To aid me,” Baku said, and he pulled back slightly then, taking Theo’s hand in his and tugging him to the bathroom.

Theo let it happen. It seemed pointless to try to stop it. His body was thrumming with excitement, and he craved more of the monster’s touch. There was a clear tension now, and it was swirling around them. Theo sucked in a deep breath.

Sexual tension.

Why deny it?

“Here,” Baku said once they were in the bathroom, and he gestured to the corner where there were several showerhead-like implements along the wall. He placed the medicinal soap on a small shelf there, pressed something on the wall and the nozzles started up, creating a point in the middle of the space where they converged.

He turned Theo round so that they were looking at one another, their eyes meeting once more. The intensity was still there in Baku, but it had shifted slightly and there was a heat now as well. He lifted his top over his head and away from his body, dropping it on the floor. His chest filled Theo’s gaze, and Theo swallowed unsteadily. Baku’s skin was a light purple, almost a violet, though it had seemed darker before. And that silvery glow permeated it. His chest and stomach were just like a human’s though Theo had several green freckles across his body. Theo’s hands itched to reach out and touch them.

Baku held his gaze as he removed his trousers. He was bare underneath and if Theo had questions about the compatibility of their anatomy the questions were quickly answered for Baku’s cock was just like a human’s…though big…quite big indeed.

“It’s purple,” was all he could say, and Baku nodded almost solemnly. He reached down and gripped the shaft of his cock, his fist against the base of springs of silver hair. Above that fist were some inches and his cock was thick, heavy looking in his hand. Theo licked his lips automatically.

“Your turn, please.”

Theo undressed just as quickly, divesting himself of his clothes in moments. He knew he wasn’t as big and muscular as Baku but for once that didn’t seem to matter. Theo’s body was tight and lean from the many hours of exercise. His skin was smooth and healthy. He was clearly desirable to the monster. So, when it sprung free from his pants, Theo’s cock was rock hard.

The monster liked that.

He reached forwards with his free hand to take it. Theo shuddered as a thumb brushed over the head.

A craving.

“Come,” the monster said.

He led Theo into the shower. The water was pleasantly hot. Theo closed his eyes as it beat down on his skin, and he kept them that way when the monster pulled him into his arms, soap now in hand, and began to rub the soap over Theo’s body. He started right at the top, on his shoulders, his arms, his chest, and then made his way downwards, touching everywhere except the places Theo most wanted him to touch.

His big hands left what felt like a trail of fire behind, but Theo conceded that might have been the effects of the medicinal soap! Regardless, when Theo eventually opened his eyes, he was panting with desire. His cock was beyond hard. He wanted to feel the monster against him. Any thought of stopping this was long since gone, inappropriate or not!

“Look at me, Theo,” Baku said and his voice was just as soft as when he had asked Theo to remove his clothes.

Theo just did that, watching as Baku cleaned himself, starting at the top and finishing once more on that purple cock. His free hand took Theo’s cock once more and cleaned it in tandem with his own. Theo groaned.

The monster smiled, perhaps for the very first time, and he leaned in, and he placed a kiss upon Theo’s parted lips. It was like a bolt of fire from those lips direct to Theo’s dick.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” the monster whispered.

And Theo could do absolutely nothing but comply.



The jets of water were followed by jets of hot air. That air surrounded them as they leaned into one another and continued the kiss. Before long they were both dry and Theo found himself being led back out of the bathroom and into the main room beyond. The monster took him straight over to the platform bed where he slowly laid Theo down upon it.

Theo wanted to say something, though he was not sure what. It didn’t matter, as he did not get the chance. The monster covered Theo’s bare body within his own just a moment later and continued their kiss. He was so big he surrounded Theo anyway, but his kiss felt like that too, as if he was taking every single bit of Theo’s mouth, coaxing it open with his lips until his tongue could gain entry and slowly lick against Theo’s own. It was then that Theo realised there were little ridges over the monster’s tongue, perhaps they gave him the half-French/half-Greek accent, didn’t matter, they felt remarkable against Theo’s.