“The worst of the monsters in your dimension.”
“Worse even than the munchers.”
“Because they would not just have eaten you,” Baku said and paused, perhaps expecting Theo to ask what else they had planned, but Theo couldn’t, he wasn’t sure he wanted to know. When he didn’t speak, Baku continued. “There are what you call monsters everywhere on this continent waiting to eat us,” he said. “And especially you given the shimmer, and especially here in what you call Europe. We are lucky to have passed the day without an attack prior to this one.”
“You were expecting us to be attacked?”
“Yes.” Another pause. “I have stayed close to protect you, but I did not expect the matriarchal spider. She usually stays on the edge of the forest. She must have been very hungry.”
“And you didn’t want to mention that, that possibility?”
“I gave you your blade back for that very reason,” Baku said as he took something else from his backpack and knelt in front of Theo.
“I assumed that…I mean…ow!”
“Stay still so I can clean the bites,” Baku said.
“There’s venom?”
“No, but there’s bacteria.”
He was extremely close to Theo now, and Theo sat up a bit straighter. He couldn’t help it. Baku’s proximity made it so. The monster rubbed some evil smelling liquid over Theo’s hand, and it immediately stopped the stinging.
“There,” Baku said, and he massaged his big thumb over Theo’s palm and then along his arm in a slow, slightly sensuous manner.
Theo swallowed, suddenly a little bit uncomfortable. The touch created those exact same feelings that Theo experienced every time the monster touched him. That combined with the fact that Baku was just so…big…it made Theo feel things he would rather not be feeling! And this close up the monster seemed to surround Theo entirely and whilst Theo was not at all averse to that experience, he knew that it was not one he should be welcoming…not given Baku was a monster from another dimension!
A dimension that seemed intent on killing him!
A cry sounded in his mind. Theo stood up quickly. “Is there a bathroom?”
“Through there.”
The layout to this shelter was very similar to the first one. Theo found himself wondering who had built them all and when but knew even as he considered it that his ridiculous architectural musings were simply to take his mind off everything that had happened. He pulled his jacket off and leaned against the sink as he considered the painful death he had so narrowly avoided and the fact that the avoidance was due entirely to Baku. The monster had saved him. True, Theo wouldn’t have needed saving if the monster hadn’t dragged him into this dimension in the first place but still…
And they were protected now in the shelter even if that did mean they were enclosed together for the night ahead. Theo let out a deep, and frankly, quite shaky breath as he considered that. It was only this morning that Baku had stroked his cock in appreciation. If anyone should be appreciating anything now it was Theo! Hell, he should be appreciating every damn minute considering how close he had come to not having any more minutes.
He clenched his fists, the cry of the rages echoing in his mind, and he found himself longing once more for his basement flat, the security he had always felt there, and the routine of it all.
This was so different.
He was even different here. Theo knew that he was.
He wanted to go home.
And yet, even as he considered that, a different longing filled him.
The monster…
The man that had saved him from possibly a fate worse than death.
Only, Theo knew he couldn’t think like that! It was almost like some sort of Stockholm syndrome! The monster had actually abducted him and put him in this position in the first place! Theo mustn’t forget that! And yet, the look on his face as he had found Theo and rescued him…Theo was struck by how…protective it had been. And yet, the monster was also clearly doing something to Theo when he touched him. His touch was not normal.