Page 76 of Not Ready

He hops down and carefully closes the door while I’m still blinking in pure surprise.

I glance to the front, but Mercy is still adjusting the seat.

What the hell was that?

Holt is gorgeous. Mercy and Bishop are, too, but less in that in your face way and more where their character and charm enhance the outer package. It’s that slow build of attraction where, once you see it, you can’t miss it.

Holt is the kind of attractive that has heads turning to follow him as he walks away.

I got to see that firsthand with the waitresses at the restaurant.

I shake my head, reminding myself he’s only participating in the whole pack marriage thing to help Mercy gain his inheritance.

Feeling jealousy about a man who is guaranteed to break my heart would be exceptionally stupid. Letting myself get attached would be even worse.

There’s some level of comfort with Mercer because he’s expressed interest in getting to know me.

At least it feels like something could build between us.

I mean, I want it to.

Bishop and I are a package deal now. So much has happened that I’ve barely been able to focus on my excitement about that, but once Aurora is a little older, I’ll either need to start back on suppressants, or we’ll have to find at least another member or two for our pack.

If Mercy and I bonded, that would give Bishop a friend that he trusts as part of our unit.

Packs became the norm because of heats. Several hundred years ago, when single unions were normal, omegas used to suffer because it was nearly impossible for a single alpha to meet their sexual needs. Now, packs are commonly accepted, but I’m guessing it’s super rare for an omega searching for a pack to come with an alpha and a baby.

Holt climbs into the truck and stretches out wide. He doesn’t buckle in, but he does reach over, like he’s about to grab my legs, similar to how Mercy did earlier.

“Did I stress you out just now?” Holt asks in barely more than a whisper.

“No,” I assure him, trying to give him a smile, but damn. I’m beat. “Just ready to be home.”

Holt nods, grabbing my legs and pulling them into his lap.

I grunt and twist, trying to get comfy.

“Can you hand me my back pillow?” I point to the floorboard.

He hands it over, but it’s a whole complicated process of leaning up enough that it’ll fit with my seat belt on.

Holt chuckles and unclips the belt before helping me sit up a little. He’s really confusing me. Sometimes it seems like he might be interested, and others, he’s just so distant that I automatically assume I’ve somehow managed to read something out of nothing. He shoves the pillow behind me and helps me get settled back in before grabbing the seat belt.

My eyes meet his as he clips me in.

“We’ve got to keep the little one protected.” He nuzzles his cheek to mine.

No, it’s definitely not me. He’s absolutely giving me whiplash.

Chapter Twenty-Five


We make it into their house in the early afternoon. I’m tired, but it’s Bishop’s missing energy that makes my chest feel tight. It’s not that I don’t feel safe or welcome, because I really do. It’s more like, I just really miss my mountain of an alpha.

“The truck with your belongings should be here within a couple of hours,” Mercy says, taking the seat next to my feet on the couch. They wouldn’t even let me help unload the small amount we brought back with us. Instead, they sent me right in to elevate my legs. “I have a bit of a surprise for you, but I think it’ll be best if we wait until tomorrow, since it’s from the three of us.”

“Holt too?” I ask, tilting my head.