“Picturing you on me, Skye,” River said, his chest rising and falling as he continued to stroke himself. “Holding your dick against mine, stroking them together, watching us come together, you releasing all over me.”
“Fuck, River,” Skye moaned, “I’m gonna come. Fuck, I’m so close.”
“Come for me, baby,” River said, his voice deep. “Say my name. Scream for me, Skye.”
“Oh, God,” Skye let out one final guttural moan and then howled River’s name as he came hard in his condom, his back arching and his head falling back against the window of his car.
“Fuck, that was beautiful,” he heard his husband say, and he smiled, his eyes still closed, shoulders and chest rising and falling, still coming down off his orgasm.
“Did…did I miss yours?” Skye asked, and he opened his eyes to look at his husband.
“Yeah, sorry,” River said, a guilty smile on his face. “Hearing you scream my name like that pushed me over the edge.”
Skye smiled too. “Understandable. It was pretty hot.”
“This whole thing was pretty hot.”
Skye blushed and his smile widened. “Probably can’t make it a regular thing though, or I really will get fired.”
“I know,” River said. “First time I’ve had phone sex though, and hopefully it won’t be the last.”
Skye smiled and blushed again. “Definitely won’t be the last.”
River grinned. “I love you, Skye.”
“Love you, too, Riv. See you later.”
“Bye, baby.”
Hey, I’m coming over! Jenna texted River as he was sitting in bed trying to do some exercises to keep his body from completely wasting away. Dr is worried about me going into preterm labor so they’ve put me on bed rest for the next six weeks. We’re gonna be bed buddies!!!!
Everything okay? River texted back.
It’s fine. Baby is healthy. I’m 3cm dilated but that’s not totally abnormal. They’re just taking precautions. See you soon!!!
River smiled. Having Jenna’s company for the next six weeks would be wonderful. He couldn’t wait to see her.
She entered the apartment without knocking and made her way into the bedroom, her baby bump leading the way. She was ginormous, but glowing, and River smiled widely when he saw her. She propped the pillows up and then climbed into the bed on Skye’s side and rested her head back, letting out a sigh.
“All this extra weight is killing me,” she said, then rubbed her belly. “I am ready for this little guy to come out.”
River laughed. “I bet. You all set with babyland?”
Jenna grinned. “Nursery is all set up. Nick is fussing over me like crazy, which is really sweet, and slightly annoying.”
River grinned. “Sounds like him.”
Jenna gasped suddenly and River startled until she rested her hand on her bump and smiled. “He’s moving. Wanna feel?”
River nodded and she took his hand, resting it on her stomach. It was a moment before River felt a knock against his hand. “Oh, God, that’s so cool.”
“Yeah, in the middle of the afternoon it is, but not at three am,” Jenna remarked with a grin, and River laughed.