He stood, slowly, and held Skye’s arm as they walked to the dance floor, joining the other guests. Nick and Jenna stood nearby, swaying to the soft music, smiling endlessly.
Skye took River in his arms and supported him as best he could while they danced, slowly. He knew it wouldn't last long but he wanted this moment with his husband. “I love you,” he said sincerely, gazing into sapphire eyes. “I love you so much.”
River gave a small smile and kissed him. “I love you, too,” he said.
“Skye is that you?” It was late afternoon and Skye had just returned home from work. He slipped off his tie and untucked his shirt, starting to unbutton it.
“Yeah, babe, I’m home,” he said. He was exhausted, like always, but he was glad to hear River’s voice, and happy to be home. “You okay?” he called into the bathroom.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” his husband called back. “I’ll be out in a minute.”
Skye finished unbuttoning his shirt and slid it off, before slipping into sweatpants and a T-shirt, then propping up some pillows and positioning himself on the bed. He rested his head back and closed his eyes. A second later he heard the door to the bathroom open, but his eyes stayed closed.
“Hey,” he heard his husband say, in a tone he hadn’t heard in a very long time. And that got his attention. His eyes opened and his jaw dropped at the same time that his cock began to twitch, and instantly harden. There was River, leaning against the doorframe, one knee bent and an arm above his head, in nothing but the skimpiest, tightest, bright orange silk bikini underwear he’d ever seen in his life. Skye’s mouth was watering and his heart was racing. Goddamn this was the hottest thing he’d ever seen.
Their sex life had been almost non existent the last several months. River had been so sick and in so much pain he rarely felt up for doing anything, and Skye never pushed him. He’d gotten used to pleasuring himself when the need got too severe, but it was, of course, not the same as indulging in his husband. Having River’s hand on his cock, River’s lips on his bare skin, their naked bodies pressed together. Burying himself inside his husband and hearing the sounds he made. Feeling River tight and warm and wonderful around him. God his cock was getting harder just thinking about it.
He knew River missed him too, wanted him, but pain had a way of dulling all the other senses and River was dealing with so many things that made it difficult for him to want sex, to enjoy sex. It was yet another thing that his chronic illnesses had robbed them of. And it sucked.
“Please don’t tease me, because this is not funny,” Skye said, his gaze roaming over River’s body, his cock throbbing now, already leaking precum. And from the looks of it, River’s was doing the same. “God, you’re beautiful.”
River laughed. “I’m not teasing you,” he said walking closer to his husband slowly, his gloriously hard cock barely contained in his skimpy underwear. He climbed onto Skye and straddled him. “Like what you see?” he asked when he noticed Skye staring not at his eyes, but at his crotch.
“Jesus, yes,” Skye said, and River laughed again.
“Kiss me,” he said, and Skye did. He let River pull his shirt up and off, and they kissed again. Skye slid his hands under River’s silken underwear, feeling the warm, firm, soft skin beneath the material, and God it was heaven. They both moaned, and River pressed further into him, their cocks grinding against each other’s, both seeking friction.
“I want you naked,” River whispered, his voice low and husky. He rolled off his husband and onto the bed, sliding his underwear off and waiting for Skye to undress, and then he was back on top of him.
Skye took River into his arms and kissed him tenderly, rolling River over slowly onto his back and drawing their bodies close, feeling his husband’s hard on pressing against his, and moaning once more into his mouth, shaking as their naked bodies melded.
“Oh, River,” Skye whispered. And he was almost in tears. “I’ve missed you so much.”
“Me, too, Skye,” his husband replied, as they continued to kiss.
It wasn’t long, though, before River had to pull away, out of breath. “Sorry,” he said. “It doesn’t take much for me to get worn out.”
“It’s okay,” Skye said, stroking his arm, and pressing their foreheads together, keeping their bodies pressed close, their dicks still touching, their legs wrapped around each other. “We can slow down.”
River smiled. “I’m sorry it’s been so long, Skye,” he said softly, catching his breath.
“What? No, it hasn’t been that long,” Skye said, waving him off.
“Skye, I know you haven’t been asking because you know I feel like crap,” River said. “And I do feel like crap. But I also know it’s been almost three weeks. And I am sorry.”
“It’s okay, Riv,” Skye said sincerely. “I know you love me.”
“I do,” River said. Then he took both of their cocks into his hand and began to stroke them in tandem as he kissed Skye again and again.
River’s heart soared as he heard his husband whimper and moan over and over and press against him, saying his name and sliding his tongue into his mouth. And God, it felt so. Damn. Good. River hadn’t been this turned on in a long time, and he missed his husband so much.
But it was over in an instant as his heart started racing, and he gasped, pulling away from Skye and closing his eyes, trying to take deep breaths in and out to calm it.