“I love you, too.”

“Your family is coming for Christmas?” River asked as soon as Skye got off the phone.

“Yeah,” Skye said, and he was smiling and wiping tears from his eyes.

River smiled. “I’m glad.”

Skye had never realized just how thoughtful and caring and compassionate people could be until you needed them to be, and his family and friends were really coming through for him right now at a time when he needed them the most, and he had never been more grateful.

He glanced up at the clock. “Shit,” he said. “I gotta get to work, babe.” He hurried into the bedroom to change and came back out in the khakis and polo shirt he wore for his new part time job. He’d had to take on some extra work since River had lost his job, and he’d been working at an auto parts shop on Saturdays for the past few weeks. He didn’t mind it, except that between it and grading papers and making lesson plans he felt like he rarely got time with River any more, and he missed his husband. Still, at least it was a job he enjoyed, so he had that to be thankful for.

“See you tonight,” he said, and gave River a kiss before heading out the door.

“Hey, I thought you would be asleep,” Skye said when he got home late that night and saw River sitting up in bed with his laptop open in front of him, his thumb nail in his mouth and a look of concentration on his handsome face.

“I’ve been thinking,” River said, looking up from his screen. “I want to do something, if I can, to help out financially. I hate that you are working as much as you are and I am so bored most of the time. I was trying to think of things I could do from home, and I think I could get my medical transcription certificate and start earning money again.”

Skye continued to strip as his husband talked. He changed into pajama pants and a T-shirt, and then made his way over to his side of the bed and climbed in. He glanced at River’s screen and then looked at his husband. “You know you don’t have to do that. I don’t want you pushing yourself if you aren’t well enough.”

“I want to,” River insisted. “It will take some time to earn the certification and I wouldn’t be making nearly as much as I was before, but, it’d be something.”

Skye smiled despite his fatigue, and leaned over to press a kiss to his husband’s lips. Truth be told he was getting more and more stressed about their financial situation and if River could handle working, even part time, it would really help them. But he wasn’t going to say anything to his husband about their finances because he knew it would only make River feel worse, and he dealt with enough guilt as it was. “You know I will support whatever you want to do, angel.”

River grinned and Skye kissed him again.

God, he loved that smile.



Skye couldn’t get over how incredible his husband looked in his tuxedo. He’d never seen River this dressed up, and it suited him. His black framed glasses just added to his sex appeal. It had taken him far longer to get ready than it used to. Showering was difficult now, because he couldn’t risk passing out and getting injured, so they had purchased a stool he could sit on. It worked well enough, but just the process of showering was enough to wear him out most of the time, so he would have to rest when he was finished, then style his hair and brush his teeth, then rest again, before getting dressed.

Skye had helped him as much as he could, and now River sat on the bed, reclining against the wedge pillow he still used on a regular basis. He looked pale and exhausted, but Skye knew he wouldn’t miss this wedding no matter what.

“You look amazing, even if you feel like shit,” he said, and gave his husband a small smile. River smiled back softly as Skye pressed a kiss to his forehead. That damn bow-tie was what was really doing it for him. Why was it so damn cute? It made him want to undress River and fuck him right here and now, even though they had literally spent the last hour getting him dressed. Maybe fuck him with the bow-tie still on?

“I’ll be ready soon,” he said. “Rest.”

It was an hour later when they arrived at the outdoor wedding, set in a beautiful botanical garden. It was late morning and the air was filled with the scents of flowers. There were white chairs set up for the guests and a gorgeous arch in the front.

Skye had rented a wheelchair for River so he had it if he needed it but could stand if he wanted to.

The ceremony was beautiful, and Jenna was absolutely stunning. Her gown was form fitting and strapless, covered in lace and sparkling under the mid morning sun. Her dark hair had grown longer over the months and was in a gorgeous updo. A simple tiara was placed on top of her head, no veil.

Nick was in tears when she walked down the aisle, and Skye was crying too. He couldn’t believe his best friends were getting married.

When she reached the front, Nick took her hand and pulled her to him, and even though it wasn’t “time” yet he pressed a kiss to her lips, making everyone laugh and “aww.” He blushed and Jenna smiled from ear to ear.

Their vows were simple but beautiful. And when it was officially time for Nick to kiss his bride, he scooped her close again, and tilted her backwards, making everyone cheer.

Skye kept his eyes on River, who was seated behind Jenna in his wheelchair. They had questioned her choice of “maid of honor” but she had said she didn’t give a flying fuck what people thought. It was her and Nick’s wedding, not anyone else’s, and River was her closest friend, so she wanted him to be in her bridal party, while Skye had been Nick’s best man.

River seemed okay, and when the newlyweds walked back down the aisle, Skye met River in the middle of the aisle and pushed him towards the reception.

“Any chance you feel up to having a short dance with me?” Skye asked his husband after the cake had been cut and he and River had given their speeches.

River’s eyes sparkled and he nodded. “I’ll try.”