River’s chest heaved and then his eyes finally met Skye’s. It was only then that Skye saw they were red and puffy behind his glasses.
“She broke up with me.” He sniffled. “She told me she loved me, and then she broke up with me.” His chest heaved once more as he removed his glasses and held them in one hand, wiping at his eyes with the other.
“What? Why would she do that?” Anna was crazy about River. Skye knew she was. He never thought she would be the one to break up with him. Not in a million years. Shit. He just couldn’t catch a break.
River sniffled. “I don’t know. She said something about my heart belonging to someone else.”
A loud banging noise reverberated throughout the condo when the pan Skye had been holding hit the kitchen floor, his breath leaving his body at the same moment. He stood in the kitchen, unable to move, stunned, his heart pounding.
“Skye?” River said, jerking up from the couch at the noise. “What was that? Are you okay?”
Skye snapped out of his daze. “Yeah,” he said, bending over to pick up the pan. “Just clumsy. Sorry. Are you okay?” He was ten different kinds of flustered right now and his brain was only functioning at about ten percent capacity, and for some reason he couldn’t figure out where to set the stupid pan down. But his hand was shaking, so eventually he settled on the stove and took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. Did Anna mean him? Who else could she have meant? But he couldn't allow himself to think that River could have feelings for him, because if he was wrong, there would be no coming back from that. Loving River, and not telling him was one thing. But believing River loved him back, and then having that stripped away, was a pain he couldn’t live through.
River wiped his eyes and stood, making his way over to the bar as he slid his glasses back on. He rested his forearms on the counter as Skye washed his hands in the sink across from him. “I’m not so good right now,” he said, “but I will be, I guess. I kind of have to be.” He shrugged. “As much as it hurts, and as much as I know I cared about her and enjoyed being with her, I have to admit I wasn’t in love with her. And maybe she’s right. Maybe I never would have been. So maybe it’s for the best. She deserves someone who will love her back. And I don’t think that’s me.”
“You’ll find the right person some day, Riv.”
“So will you, Skye.” River gave him a small smile.
I found you ten years ago, River.
Skye gave his brother the biggest hug ever when Jaden and Chloe showed up at Grace Mckenzie’s place in Kansas the following week for Christmas. He gave almost as big of a hug to Chloe.
“It’s good to see you, too, Skye,” Chloe said, trying to catch her breath. Her dark hair was up in a ponytail and it swished as Skye put her back on her feet again, her brown eyes full of warmth.
“Man, I missed you guys,” Skye said, beaming at them.
“Where’s Mom?” Jaden asked.
“Be there in a minute!” Grace called from the kitchen. “Busy burning a pie!”
They all laughed and Chloe hurried off to help Grace in the kitchen.
“How’s work?” Jaden asked as he and Skye settled in the living room.
“Good,” Skye said. “How’s school?”
“Good. Busy, and insane, but good. I actually had to bring some stuff with me but I’m hoping it won't take up too much of my time.” Jaden was getting his Masters degree in anthropology.
“So, when are you two gonna tie the knot?” Skye asked, lifting a bottle of beer to his lips and grinning at his brother.
“As soon as I’m out of school, hopefully,” Jaden said. “We’ve talked about it. Trust me, it’s happening.”
“It better. If you don’t marry her, I will.” Skye winked at his brother and Jaden chuckled.
“Since we’re on the topic,” Jaden said, giving Skye that look. “You seeing anyone?”
Shaking his head, Skye swallowed another sip of beer.
“Well, is there anyone you are interested in?”
Skye glanced away as a flush crept up his cheeks.
“Ahh, I knew it.” Jaden scooted closer to the edge of the couch in anticipation. “Come on, spill. Who is it?”