River’s breath caught in his throat when he pulled up to their condo a couple of days later. Christmas lights adorned the bushes in front of their small window, and ran across the roof. In the middle of the yard was a single tree, its trunk wrapped in the same sparkling white lights. A sleigh and reindeer decorated the front lawn, and a giant red mailbox sat on the front porch that read, “Letters to Santa.”

He’d been so focused on his pain and how miserable he was, on how he knew there was no way he would be able to make the drive to see his aunt Jodi this year. Normally, he would be the one to put up the Christmas decorations because of Skye’s fear of heights, but he’d been so worn out from dealing with everything that he just couldn’t. He hadn’t even mentioned it to Skye.

But there they were. And they brightened up the whole neighborhood, and his heart. And they made him smile.

Skye made him smile.

Suddenly he couldn't wait to get inside and see his roommate.

It was two weeks until Christmas, and snow covered the ground. He was bundled in his gray wool coat, black gloves and a turquoise scarf when he stepped out of the car, wincing at the pain in his tailbone. He trudged through the snow and up the front walk, making sure to get rid of as much snow as he could before he stepped inside.

When he opened the door to the condo and saw the beautifully decorated Christmas tree with blue and gold ornaments, the white sparkling lights that adorned it, lighting up the dimly lit living room, giving it a warm ambiance, the gold ribbon on the tree for garland, and a twinkling star on top, he almost cried.

“Skye?” he called as he slipped off his shoes, then unwrapped his scarf and removed his gloves. He shoved the gloves in his coat pocket and hung the scarf over the hook by the front door, all the while staring at the tree. It was absolutely breathtaking.

“Hey, handsome,” Skye said, entering from the kitchen with a smile as River took off his coat. “You like it?”

River met his gaze, Skye’s green eyes warm and sparkling under the glow of the lights. He must have sensed how emotional this was making River because he looked down, shoving his hands into his pockets, blushing.

“You did all of this when you got home?” River asked. “After a full day's work? In this freezing weather? It’s beautiful. And you even went up on a ladder? You don’t do ladders, Skye. What’s up with you, lately? You’re being extra sweet.”

“I just wanted to cheer you up,” Skye said, shrugging his shoulders.

“Well, it worked.”

Skye looked up, cheeks still flushed, and a timid smile on his handsome face. His gaze locked with River’s, and River found himself swallowing, his chest tightening. What was happening to him? He was staring into Skye’s eyes, and looking at his plump lips, and…what the heck? He swallowed again and glanced away.

“Dinner’s ready,” Skye said, clearing his throat as he motioned for River to follow him. “You want it in bed?”

“I can stand,” River said, joining him at the bar. Skye had cooked a delicious meal of salmon, roasted asparagus and mashed potatoes, and it was making River’s mouth water.

“You ready for a break?” he asked as they dug in. He had to stop himself from moaning around his mouthful as the flavor exploded on his tongue. Butter, garlic, and parmesan cheese. River loved Skye’s cooking.

“Yeah, I’m excited to see my family,” Skye said. “Heading to Mom’s place in Kansas and Jaden and Chloe are gonna meet us there. I would have asked you to come, but I know you can’t travel.”

“No, it’s fine. When I told Aunt Jodi what was going on she said she would come to me.”

Skye smiled and nodded.

“Skye, I’ve been thinking,” River said, after a moment of silence. He picked at his food, moving it around on his plate but never actually gathering it on his fork.

“About what?” Skye swallowed his mouthful of food.

“About that manual therapy you were talking about. I don’t know. Maybe I should try it.”

Skye blinked. “You sure?”

“No, I’m not sure. But I feel like I can’t keep dealing with the level of pain I’m in, and I can’t keep complaining about it if I’m not willing to try everything available to me to help me get better. It scares me, but I feel like, if it might help get me some sense of normalcy back, I need to give it a chance.”

Skye’s eyes were soft and compassionate as he gazed at River. Then he rested his hand on River’s shoulder. “I’ll support you, whatever you want to do. You know I’m here for you.”

His eyes widened and he stammered when River asked, “Would you come with me?”

“Uh,” he swallowed his food and covered his mouth with his hand.

“You don’t have to.” River looked back at his plate and bit his lip. “I get that it’s kind of weird.”

“No, I don’t mind,” Skye replied, quickly. “I’m just kind of surprised you want me there. I thought that would make you more uncomfortable.”