River blinked. “I don’t want you to be gone. I just thought you could use a break. You’ve been cooped up here for days. And I haven’t seen Anna in a while, so I thought it would be a win win. But you don’t have to go. You’re welcome to stay here and hang out with us.”
Skye gave him a soft smile, but it was a sad one, the brightness in his eyes dimmed.
“No, that’s okay, Riv, you guys don’t need a babysitter.” He unloaded the groceries in silence while River sat there, wondering what on earth just happened? Did he just make things worse by suggesting Skye go out?
“I’ll see what Jenna and Nick are up to. It would be nice to get out.” Skye gave him another smile but River still wasn’t convinced. Something was definitely bothering him.
“Are you okay, Skye?” he asked. It was barely noticeable, but River saw the other man tense. The way his shoulders drew up ever so slightly, the muscles in his neck tightening.
“I’m fine, Riv.” His tone was gentle, but River knew better.
“Skye, we’ve known each other long enough to tell when the other person is lying. Be honest with me. Has taking care of me this past week been stressing you out? Has it been hard on you?”
Skye shook his head. “No, Riv, really. I haven’t minded. I promise.” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. “I think I’m just restless, like you said,” he added. “A night out will be good for me.”
“I’ve missed you,” Anna said, sitting next to River as she handed him an ice pack for his ribs. There was another one already resting on his ankle.
Her long red hair was up in a ponytail and her green eyes flitted over his face as she took him in.
River put the pillow against his ribs, and then turned to his girlfriend. “I missed you, too,” he said, and then pressed his lips to hers in a soft kiss. But it was short because he came to find that the effort it took to kiss made his ribs hurt more. He pulled away, wincing.
“Sorry. It’s painful. Just breathing is painful.”
“It’s okay,” Anna assured him. “I understand.” She shifted a little and sidled her small frame up next to him, sliding her arm under his and intertwining their fingers together. She smelled like peaches, and for some reason it made River smile. And yet, he found himself craving the smell of bourbon and oak that he’d become accustomed to over the past five days. The past several years, really.
How did he miss him already? His scent, his company, his care, his laughter. The way he made River feel so seen and heard, and valued. Like there was nothing that mattered to him more than River did.
Anna's words pulled him from his thoughts. “I’m glad you asked me to come over. It’s nice to have the place to ourselves. I think Skye felt a little bit like a third wheel the last time, poor guy.” She stroked River’s arm and rested her head on his shoulder. “You guys have known each other for a while, huh?” she said, thoughtfully.
“Mmm,” he mumbled, resting his head on hers. “Ten years.”
“I can tell he really cares about you. You guys have something special. I see that when you’re together.”
“Yeah, he’s pretty great,” River said with a slight smile.
“You ready for him to go back to work?”
“For his sake, yeah. He needs it. I think being stuck at home is depressing him. That’s why I made him get out tonight. He’s been acting weird all week. And I feel kind of bad. I think I’ve made him feel uncomfortable with some of the stuff he’s had to do for me. Helping me change and go to the bathroom I think has put our friendship to the test.” He chuckled and so did Anna.
“I doubt that,” she said.
“Yeah, me, too. I think it would take more than that for Skye to abandon me. For my sake, I’m gonna miss him when he goes back to work. My aunt Jodi is coming, and she’s great, but it won't be the same as having Skye. I just feel safe with him, you know? Comfortable. I always have. Like, I don’t have to hide anything or be anything other than who I am. Like there’s nothing he wouldn't do for me. And he puts up with me. Even when I’m stubborn and sarcastic. He’ll call me out if it gets to be too much, but he also gives me space, and he’s patient, too.” He paused for a moment. “I just feel…I don’t know…” he trailed off, lost in thought, stroking Anna’s hand with his thumb.
Anna tilted her head and met his gaze. “Loved?” she asked.
River looked at her for a moment. “Yeah, I guess.”
Anna just nodded and rested her head against his shoulder again.
“I mean, my aunt loves me too, I know, and I enjoy her company. She’s amazing honestly, but Skye’s . . .”
“Special,” Anna finished for him.
“Yeah. I guess I’ve always had a connection with him. I don’t know. Guess that’s what makes us such good friends.”