“Now what?” he asked once it was gone.
“I think if you grab my arms I can use my good foot to push myself up. As long as I don’t slip.”
“Okay.” Skye stepped forward and took hold of River’s upper arms, trying not to notice how strong and firm they felt under his grip, but also trying to make sure he didn’t let go, since River was still quite wet.
River gripped Skye’s arms in turn and Skye lifted him as River pushed up with his right foot and brought his left foot down as he stood, being careful to keep the weight off of it still.
“I think I’m gonna need you to put your arm around my shoulders to help me out,” River said. “I can lift my bad ankle out first but I can’t put it down, so I’ll need your support while I get my other foot out.”
Skye stepped as close to the side of the tub as he could and held his arm out for River. He wrapped his arm around River’s shoulders and River lifted his bad ankle out of the tub first, holding it in the air, which put him awkwardly off kilter while he tried to get his right foot out of the tub, and as he did, he practically collapsed into Skye, wrapping both arms around him and staring him in the face, their chests pressed together.
Skye inhaled, stumbling backwards slightly as River fell into him, his arms coming around his friend. It had happened naturally when they collided, in order to steady themselves, but Skye swallowed hard now. River was pressed so close to him, eyes gazing into his, and Skye felt like he couldn't breathe. River’s lips were only centimeters from his. But the space grew in a flash as River pushed away and supported himself on the counter.
“Sorry,” he said, cheeks flushed. “That was a little more contact than I intended.”
“No, it’s fine,” Skye assured him, still flustered, but pretending he wasn’t as he cleared his throat. “What next?” He handed River his glasses and the other man slipped them on, his cheeks flushed once again.
“I think I’m gonna need you to dry me off.”
Fucking fuck fuck fuck. Is he trying to tempt me? But he couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips as River bit his lip. Damn, that was all kinds of adorable, and hot. Super hot. Ice wall, he reminded himself. Ice Wall.
He reached for a towel and stood in front of River as he began to dry him off, starting with his hair and working his way down. He dried off River’s smooth chest, feeling his firm, toned body beneath his palms, unable to control the shiver that raced down his spine.
He moved to his strong arms, his slender abdomen, down to his knees, his legs, and down to his feet—well, foot—all the while telling himself, Ice wall, Ice wall, Ice wall.
He brought the towel up to the bottom of River’s swim trunks and used it to squeeze out some of the excess water that was still dripping onto his feet, and the floor, and then he stood.
“Anything else?” he asked, his voice soft and a little huskier than normal, his face only inches from River’s once again.
There was a pause before River spoke, his eyes locked with Skye’s. “Just the crutches,” he said, and Skye noticed that his voice was soft, too. Thoughtful, almost, and he inhaled. He couldn’t remember River ever looking at him the way he was now. And when River spoke again it was in the same soft tone. “Thank you, Skye.”
Skye’s heart was pounding as River reached up and gently brushed the blond locks from his eyes and then threaded his fingers through the wavy strands for a brief moment.
“You’re welcome, Riv.” River smiled at him as he reached over and grabbed his crutches.
“You’ll be okay changing on your own?” Skye asked, his mind racing, wondering what the hell had just happened there. The way River had looked at him, the way he’d held his gaze, the way he’d spoken to him, warm and soft, the way he’d touched him. He’d never touched Skye like that before. It was almost as if…no, he was being ridiculous. River was just being appreciative and friendly. He didn’t have feelings for Skye. He had a girlfriend. And he was straight. It was just wishful thinking. God, he had to stop thinking about River like this. He was misinterpreting everything now.
“Um, could you get some underwear and pajamas out for me to change into and leave them on the bed? The rest I’ll manage on my own,” River said.
“Okay.” He never thought he would be fishing through River’s underwear drawer, but here he was. He pulled out a pair of boxers, figuring those will be easier than anything else his friend had in there to get over the cast, and then found a pair of pajama pants and a T-shirt and tossed them on the bed.
“Good?” he asked, and River nodded, so he left, shutting the door behind him.
Before he knew it, Saturday evening had rolled around. River and Skye had spent the last five days together and Skye would be going back to work on Tuesday while River’s aunt Jodi came to fill his place.
River couldn’t help but notice that Skye had seemed a little off all week. He’d been a bit quiet, which wasn’t like him, but the worst part was the sadness River had seen behind those gorgeous green eyes, and he wondered if maybe this week had been too much for his friend. If he missed his normal life, hanging out with Nick and Jenna, work, the night life he’d grown accustomed to, though he hadn’t been going out to clubs nearly as much lately. River wondered what that was about.
Skye hadn’t complained, not once, about being at home with him, taking care of him. But something was definitely bothering the other man and River couldn't figure out what it could be other than that he was bored, and maybe a bit restless and tired of having just River for company. They hadn’t exactly been living it up the past few days. If he could give Skye a break from everything maybe that would help.
That gave him an idea. A way for him to get help and for Skye to get a break. He picked up his phone and called Anna.
“Hey, Skye.” River grinned at his roommate when he walked through the door, having just returned from his grocery run. “I just talked to Anna and she’s gonna come over tonight, so if you want to go out, you can.”
“Oh,” Skye said. “Okay, sure. How long do you want me to be gone?”