“Can you help me with my shirt?” River said, looking a bit sheepish. “It’s hurting my ribs to try and do it myself.”
Jesus Christ, Skye’s brain was on overdrive right now. First River wanted help taking a bath and now he was asking Skye to take his shirt off? For fuck’s sake, what was he trying to do to him?
Nothing. He wasn’t trying to do anything to Skye. This was not sensual in any way. This was his friend needing help from literally the only person who could give it to him, and Skye needed to get his act together.
“Please?” River said. He winced again and Skye hurried over to him. He couldn’t help the blush that crept up his cheeks when River raised his arms and he bent down to lift the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head, all the while thinking, his body is not fucking gorgeous, and I do not want it, and I am not thinking of him that way, and he’s my best friend.
“Don’t get too close, I smell terrible,” River said, grinning at him.
“That’s gonna be a little hard to do if I’m supposed to help you into the tub,” Skye remarked.
River chuckled and Skye handed him his crutches, then followed him into the bathroom. River rested the crutches against the wall next to the tub while Skye reached over to turn off the faucet.
“Maybe we should have some sort of plastic bag around the cast just to make sure it doesn’t get wet,” Skye suggested. “I’ll be right back.” He left and returned a moment later with a garbage bag. After helping River sit down on the edge of the tub, he knelt in front of him, sliding the bag over his cast and then using a rubber band to cinch it at the top.
“Might be easiest to just turn around and slide in,” Skye said, standing and backing away slightly.
“Worth a shot.” River turned around and slowly lowered himself into the tub while Skye stood nearby just in case. Fortunately, River didn’t seem to need the help. He kept his left foot elevated. It got a little damp as he submerged himself into the water, but since the bag was around it it stayed safe. He sighed as he propped his ankle up on the end of the tub and rested his head back, clearly relieved to finally be in the warm water.
“Can you get me some soap and a washcloth?” he asked.
“Yeah,” Skye replied, trying not to think about how gloriously sexy River looked right now, head resting back, eyes closed, arms up on the side of the tub, his chest dripping wet.
Skye opened the bathroom drawer for a washcloth and stepped into the shower for the soap, then set them down next to River on the side of the tub, his heart beating erratically as he watched the other man gather more water onto his arms and chest.
God, he had to get out of there before he popped a boner. He was headed for the door again when River stopped him.
“You might as well stay, unless you have something to do,” he said. “I’m gonna need your help again in about five minutes to get out.”
Skye didn’t say anything, just bit his lip and backed up to sit down on the toilet, bouncing his leg up and down and forcing himself to look anywhere but at River. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through social media for a few minutes to distract himself, before River’s voice broke the silence. The bathroom was getting warmer, steamier, and the scent of River’s watermelon and coconut body wash wafted through the air. Damn, Skye loved that smell. It was the smell of River, but it had never made his dick twitch until now.
“Skye?” River said, “Can you help me?”
“Help you?” he asked, trying not to sound as nervous as he felt.
“Yeah, I can’t reach my hair without it hurting.”
“You want me to wash your hair?” Skye asked, and God his emotions were all over the place. Fuck, yeah, he wanted to get his fingers all up in those gorgeous dark locks. But, shit, that was dangerous territory. It will be torture. And being so close to River without letting his thoughts wander…
“Is that okay?” River asked, no doubt sensing his hesitation. A flush crept up his cheeks. “Or does that cross the friendship boundaries?”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Skye assured him. “I think we crossed those boundaries when I had to help you get dressed and pee, Riv,” he added lightheartedly, and River’s flush deepened, but he smiled. “Let me get a cup or something to scoop water with, and I’ll be right back.”
Skye left and returned with a large, blue plastic cup, and knelt next to the tub, and River. Okay, I can do this, and I can do it without popping a boner. I hope.
He reached over and slid River’s glasses off, setting them behind him on the counter. River grinned at him, his cheeks still pink. He tilted his head back as Skye dipped the cup into the water and poured it over his hair several times, the water sliding down his neck, over his chest and back. And God it was tantalizing, watching the droplets skate over corded muscle. Skye wanted to lick off every last drop.
River’s hair was soaked in no time. Skye squirted the shampoo onto his hands and scrubbed it through River’s dark locks, trying not to relish the feel of River’s wet hair under his fingertips, and then poured more water on his head, running his fingers through the thick strands again to help rinse it out. A shiver raced down his spine when he noticed the way River’s shoulders and back muscles moved and flexed as he shifted, and his cock twitched again.
He poured more water over River’s back and shoulders to get rid of the soap suds there as well, and then pushed himself up to stand as he said, “Okay, I think that’s it.” His heart was pounding as he dried his hands off, but he gave himself a mental high five for being boner free. Thank God. “You ready to get out?”
River nodded.
“Okay, how are we doing this?” Skye asked. He couldn't help thinking about how adorable River looked, soaking wet and smiling up at him, his hair plastered to his face. And God damn, he smelled good. No one had the right to smell that fucking good.
“Unplug the drain first, probably?” River said. Skye did, then leaned against the counter waiting for the water to drain.