Page 46 of Come to Me

Logan let out a laugh. "That's putting it mildly. I don't think he had an ounce of fun out there."

Micki's doubt about her suggesting the outing grew.

"He liked fishing. I taught him," Tate said around a mouthful of cookie.

Ruffling Tate's hair affectionately, Logan said, "He said he enjoyed his time with you."

Micki blew out a breath. "I just hope he's not feeling too...out of place. This is supposed to be his chance to get away from it all, you know?" Her gaze drifted back towards Patrick's cabin. "I just want him to be able to relax and find a little peace."

"Since when is it your job to make sure visitors have a good visit?" Logan lifted a brow. "What's so special about him?"

Micki swallowed and turned to the tray of cookies not wanting Logan to see that her time with Patrick was more than just as a host. "He's a guest. I'm not sure you've noticed, but we're lacking in guests."

"Hey. What's that supposed to mean?" Logan took offense. "I do what I can."

"That's enough," Micki's mother chimed in. "Who wants more iced tea?"

"I wouldn't mind another glass of lemonade." Sydney held up her cup and Micki got the feeling she was intervening before a family squabble started. "I'd get it, but I don't want to wake this little guy." Sydney nodded to Brian, sleeping on her lap.

"I'm getting a beer. Want one Mitch?" Logan opened the sliding door.

"Sure." Mitch followed him inside.

"Can I go play?" Tate asked Lori. "Grown up talk is boring."

"Yes, just stay out of Dr. Andres' hair." Lori handed the lemonade to Micki to fill Sydney's glass.

"Can I go say hi?"

"No. Leave the man be, Tate."

Tate groaned but stayed along the beach instead of going to Patrick's cabin.

Micki filled Sydney's glass with lemonade and handed it back to her.

"Sit with me." Sydney nodded to the chair next to her.

Micki wanted to check on Patrick but sat.

"You know, I thought Patrick was off too. Not that I haven't seen him like that, but it's been a while."

"Was it the four-wheeling?" Micki hoped maybe Logan said something and it was his fault that Patrick changed and not hers.

"I don't know. That last time I saw him like that…actually it was worse was after Julia—well, you know about that. It really upended his world that he hadn't noticed how sick she was. He feels he failed her and questions his skills as a doctor. It's sad because he's a wonderful man. A true friend."

Micki was happy that Patrick had Sydney in his court. "I thought he was making progress, but now I'm not so sure. Maybe I pushed him too hard with the four-wheeling."

"You'd think he'd be settled in considering the amount of time you spend with him," her mother quipped as she organized the cookies on the tray.

Sydney's eyebrows rose slightly at Lori's comment, and Micki felt a twinge of unease. "I'm just trying to make sure he feels welcome, that's all. This is his vacation, after all."

The sliding door opened, and Mitch and Logan returned, each holding a cold beer.

"What did we miss?" Mitch asked with a grin.

"Oh, nothing much." Sydney shot Micki a pointed look. "Just admiring how welcoming Micki has been to Patrick. Helping him get it footing."

Micki's cheeks grew warm. She wasn't sure how public Patrick wanted their ...whatever it was. "I'm just doing my job. Making sure everyone enjoys their stay." She rose from her chair, ready to move on.