Patrick didn’t feel himself but for once it was in a good way. He couldn’t explain why he felt life coursing through him. Perhaps it was the vigorous hike. Or the spectacular scenery that reminded him of the beauty in the world if he’d just look outside himself. Maybe it was the refreshing rain washing away the heat and humidity or the electricity crackling through the air. But he had a pretty good idea that it was Michaela. Hiking behind her, he’d been captivated by her more than the scenery. The way she moved. The way she observed the world from the smallest flower to the grandest view. The way she engaged with him, challenged him even. There was no guile. No pretenses. She was real.
And now, drenched in a summer rain, her cheeks pink from exertion to get them to safety, her smile as radiant as the sun, he found himself ensnared by her. Wanting whatever elixir she drank to maintain such vibrancy in life. Actually, if he was honest, the man in him was overcome with desire at the sight of her clothes plastered to her skin, outlining her breasts from their smooth round curves to the hard distended nipple.
He'd spent so much of his life guarded, reserved. Where had it gotten him? Over the last few years, he’d gone through the motions of living, but not feeling alive. Michaela awakened something inside him, and he wanted to pursue whatever it was. He didn’t want to overthink the wisdom of touching her. Didn’t want to worry about what tomorrow would bring. He wanted to live in this moment with her. It appeared she did too as she wrapped her legs around him and kissed him fully, passionately.
For a moment, or maybe it was a lifetime, he held and kissed her, taking in her sweet summer scent, the taste of her lips, the heat of her body pressed against his and let the world melt away.
But soon, white hot need had him looking for a bed so he could fully discover and appreciate all of Michaela. The building was only slightly larger than a shed. The room they were in had a small sitting area and kitchenette. Near the back he saw a door opening to a bathroom. Next to that was another door he took to be a room.
With Michaela still wrapped around him, Patrick made his way back, fumbling with the door. It swung open and he stumbled in. For a moment, he was irked when he saw bunk beds.
“Something wrong?” Michaela asked sucking on his lower lip. Then she looked at where his gaze was focused. She laughed. “I can be on top.”
He laughed, delighted by how she could pull him out of negativity.
“Or…the bottom is queen size.” She stepped away from him, taking the hem of her shirt and pulling it over her head. He watched, fascinated by her smooth tan skin. Her breasts cupped in a lacy bra. She wasn’t the first woman he’d ever seen like this, and yet, there was something that felt new. He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her silky skin, to discover what brought her pleasure.
Except…God…He pulled his wallet from his back pocket, flipping it open and praying he had a condom. He let out a sigh of relief to see the foil packet.
Michaela tilted her head looking into his wallet. “I promise to never make fun of you for taking your wallet on a hike again.”
He plucked the condom out and tossed it on the bed. “I should think not.” He tugged his shirt off, which wasn’t easy with it soaking wet and stuck to his skin.
“You’re behind, Dr. Andres.”
He looked over and Michaela stood in front of him completely naked. His mouth went dry. She looked like a goddess. The type immortalized in marble statues. Unable to stop himself, he reached for her, his hands roaming her body as he kissed her.
“This will be easier if you undress too,” she said on a laugh.
“Indulge me.” His lips trailed long her jaw as his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing over her nipples. They were so hard, so distended, his mouth watered. He wrapped his lips around one and sucked. Michaela’s fingers laced through his hair, holding him to her as he sucked and licked her nipple.
“Oh!” She let out a noise that was a cross between a gasp and sigh. She followed it with, “Mmmm.”
It pleased him that she enjoyed his touch. Patrick wasn’t a selfish lover, but neither had he put much thought into how he had sex. No woman had ever complained. But right now, he wanted more than anything to give Michaela a pleasure she’d never felt. He knew she thought he was reserved to the point of stuffy. That sort of opinion didn’t bode well for a sexual encounter. He wanted to prove to her that when it came to pleasures of the flesh, he was adventurous, open.
He bent his knees as his kisses and fingers trailed down her body until arriving at the nest of curls between her thighs. They glittered with her essence, and he could wait to taste her. His finger slid through her folds and then he sucked his finger. She was divine.
He took her hips, guiding her to the lower bed that extended out enough from the upper bunk that he didn’t have to worry about her hitting her head.
She lay back. “Will you undress now?”
He took off his shorts but left his briefs on to help him slow his roll so he could focus on her. He lay over her.
“It’s not fair.” She looked up at him with amusement in her eyes.
“Should I go?”
“You should be naked. I want to touch too.”
He bent his head to her, sucking on her lower lip as she’d done to him. “Patience.” He worked his way down her body again, loving the sounds she made. Mewing. Gasps. Moans. Finally, he reached her center, settling his shoulders between her legs.
He glanced up at her wanting to make sure she was alright with his plan. Not all women liked oral pleasure.
She arched a brow. “Are you waiting for permission?”
“Just want to make sure you’re ready.”
“Oh…that sounds like I’m in for a treat.”